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"Alexandria, this isn't easy for me." His eyes were a dark brown color, almost black, she loved them. She could feel the hesitation radiating from him. What they were about to do was crazy, the craziest thing she had ever done for sure.

"Don't you love me?" She frowned softly, head tilting slightly.

"This isn't easy for me either Alexandria." He spoke, his eyes felt as if they were staring deep into her soul.

He smiled a small smile and opened his mouth to speak but his eyes widened when he felt a searing pain go through his mid section.

Alexandria watched as the perfect white shirt that he was wearing began to change into a dark red color. He fell to the ground, blood pooling around him. She gasped, tears immediately forming as she dropped to the floor beside him. She pushed his hair out of his face. Alexandria began to silently pray before looking up. Her mouth was agape at what she saw.

It was her.

She stood above herself smirking evilly. She watched as her carbon copy tore the blade out of Damon's back, the sound making her clench her teeth in anger. "How dare you.." She spoke through gritted teeth.

Her copy merely smiled wider and licked the blood off of the blade slowly. She looked sadistic, evil even. Alexandria stared at herself in disgust. "Don't you mean how dare we?"

The next thing Alexandria knew she was standing above Damon's body, holding the large blade in her hands. She immediately dropped it, the loud clang echoing. She brought her hands up, staring at them in horror as she realized what she had done.

She tried desperately to wipe it off her hands but the more she tried the more blood appeared on her. Her tears that flooded down her face made a clean trail and turned into sobs. She felt herself falling and she couldn't stop herself.




She shot up from her spot on her bed, as her chest heaved up and down. Her eyes darted towards the door of her room, seeing her butler Robert.

He looked concerned, the wrinkles on his face becoming more apparent. Alexandria wiped the sweat from her forehead, trying to remember what kind of dream would have her this worked up.

"Are you alright Alex?" Robert asked, worried but made sure not to show it. Alexandria took a deep breath before blowing it out in a huff. She shook her head slowly, deciding that it was just a bad dream.

"Nothing. Must have been a bad dream." She made sure to smile softly, reassuring herself and the old man. He nodded slowly and left the room. Alexandria blinked a couple of times before she chose to go and brush her teeth.

What Alexandria didn't see was the dried blood on the dark wood floor that would later be cleaned by a hand maid.


first thing ive written & its rough yes but its gonna improve !

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