Scars and Food?

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Hey guys i'm back with another chapter for this story! ^-^
I'm so excited to make this next one, and I bet the same for you.
So don't let me hold you back from the story any longer.


~ Your POV ~

Now you were sitting in the sand thinking about how you were friends with the other 7 kids and there digimon. You were seeing how old they were so it went, Tai, Matt, Joe, Sora, Mimi, Izzy, me, then T.K.

I was surprised that I was the youngest girl in the group which made me a little sad. But I didn't want to show the my emotions. Cause I mean I learned that over time that showing emotions didn't solve anything.

"Is anyone hungry?" I looked at the group, and right on time all there stomachs growled. "I have food in my bag, if you guys want some." You said with a blank face, while they all smiled and nodded there heads.

'Let's see I have enough food to last me 3 weeks and with 16 of us it should last 2 or maybe 3 days.' You got your backpack and walked over to them but you winced when you walked in your left ankle.

"Hey (F/N), can I look at your ankle." I heard Joe say, and he looked serious. All you could do was nod your head in response. I sat back down in the sand, and gave Renamon my backpack to give out food.

When I gave it to her Tai and Agumon were there first asking for food while the others surrounded Joe and me. "Okay (F/N) I need you to take off your shoe and sock." You were sitting in the sand shaking your head no to Joe.

"I'm sorry I can't do that Joe." You looked away from Joe hoping he didn't see you face. But the direction you looked to. You saw Agumon and Tai eating, and Renamon was just watching them eat. You had a sweat drop appear on your head.

"(F/N) why won't you let Joe to see if your okay?" Mimi said kneeling down in front of me everone did the same but Tai, Agumon, and Renamon. "I just can't okay." You said trying to ignore their gazes on you.

"(F/N) would it be better if it was just you, me, Gomamon, and Renamon?" You nodded your head, Joe told all of them to leave and turn your backs to them. They did just that while T.K. was confused on why.

Then you took off your shoe and your sock, you looked at Joe who had wide eyes. "Who did this to you?" He had a dark tone to his voice, his bangs covering his eyes.

You looked down at your leg it was full of scars, cuts, and bruises. You winced and covered your leg quickly with your arms. "That's not important." You looked back up to Joe but you saw he had a serious look on his face.

He pulled your arms off your leg and looked at all the scars, cuts, and bruises. "Tell me (F/N) who did this to you." You were shocked at how demanding his voice became. But thats not what scared you.

The others were now looking at you and Joe. T.K. came running over but stopped when he saw your leg. He started to tear up and he hugged you. "(F/N) why are you hurt?" He looked to you with teary eyes, but you kept your expression less face on.

"I'm not that hurt, just a few cuts and bruises." Just when you said evsryone was surrounding you. They all had shocked, angry, and determination on their faces. You looked up at them.

'Why do they have that look on their faces, it's kinda of creepy.'

Everyone soon was asking you questions on how you got them, but with all the attention you were getting you were kinda of getting dizzy and you fainted.

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