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"Hey, babe?" Awsten Knight called to his guitarist/boyfriend Geoff Wigington, who was sitting on the couch across from him.

"Yeah, Awssie poo?" Geoff replied, glaring his green blue eyes at his odd-looking, blue-haired boyfriend.

"Do you want to go to H-E-B today?" Awsten asked him, putting his legs up on the coffee table between them.

H-E-B is Awsten's favorite store of all time, he loves shopping there so he can become a fucking fatass, but he especially loves their pure orange juice. However, for this trip to
H-E-B, Awsten had something completely different on his mind; something that made him want to take his boyfriend there with him.

"Okay, I would love to go to H-E-B with you!" Geoff responded giddily. "Is there any specific reason you want to go today?"

"Yeah, there's... um... a sale on... their orange juice that I love so much." Awsten lied reluctantly.

Awsten felt as if he could confide in Geoff and trust him with everything. He is superty dupes in love with him, but for some reason he couldn't tell Geoff that he wanted to take him to H-E-B to look at their newly installed supply of yams.
Awsten has always been a yam freak, and has found something so appealing and erotic about yams. As a young boy he has written multiple letters to the owners of his local H-E-B store, requesting that they put a variety of yams up for sale, and they finally have their very own personalized, H-E-B yams! Awsten is so excited but afraid of what his boyfriend may think or do if he finds out the real reason he is bringing him to H-E-B today.

It only took Geoff a couple of minutes to get ready because he doesn't change his clothes or wash his hair. They both walked out of the front door of their house and into their van to drive to H-E-B.

As they walked into the store, they were greeted by a rack of huge, plump, brown yams. When Awsten saw the rack of yams, he helplessly let out a huge squeal.
"What was that about?" Questioned Geoff.
Awsten could do nothing but stare and point at the yams in awe.
"You're losing your cheez its because of a display of sweet potatoes?" Geoff asked.

"These are not just any sweet potatoes, these are the new H-E-B yams!" Awsten yelled at his bewildered boyfriend. Looking at the confusion and disapproval on his boyfriends face, Awsten turned towards him and caressed his cheek while he explained what was happening.
"Geoff, I haven't been completely honest with you about why I wanted to come here today. Ever since I met you I wanted to shove a nice, big, sturdy yam up your anal canal."

Geoff slapped Awstens hand off of his face angrily.


Awsten ran towards the yams that were now only a few meters away and grabbed a few of the longest/largest yams that were in the pile. He slipped them into a bag and bought them as quickly as possible.

"What the fuck do you think you're going to do with all of those yams?" Geoff asked him.

"You'll see, XD!"

Awsten x Geoff X YamWhere stories live. Discover now