f o u r

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"No" was the first word to come out of my mouth when I saw what Niall pulled out of his bag

We've been playing truth or dare for a while now, some dares made us cringe, most made us laugh but this, I refused to do it

"Oh c'mon Louis, no ones going to see" Niall said, waving the object tauntingly in my face, what did he pull out of his bag you might ask?


Pink, Lacey panties

"Where'd you even get those from Niall?" I questioned him suspiciously, "That's for me to know and you to never find out" I open my mouth to speak but he stops me "It's either this or a spoonful of mustard"

I could take the easy way out and just take the mustard but I've already had to do that twice due to most of Niall's dares being something about Harry and I'd rather not do that again. I think past my embarrassment and realize no one is going to see me in them so why not

I snatch the clothing out of Niall's hand and stand up mumbling insults under my breath, I walk into the bathroom and take off my pants and boxers sliding the panties up my legs

After I..... adjust myself to the clothing i look at myself in the mirror and start to think "How did I even get into this situation, i mean i don't look bad" I turn my body so I can see my butt, I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows slightly "Wow my bum looks really good in these" I think to myself

I realize what I'm saying and quickly put my pants back on, I open the bathroom door and go back to Niall. I sit down across from Niall like before and he starts laughing

"You're such a twat Niall" I say and he looks at me before jumping on me pushing me onto my back and tickling me

I start laughing wildly and curl my legs up trying to pry Niall off of me. We're both in a fit of laughter, tears gathering in the corner of my eyes. I manage to flip Niall so that I'm straddling his chest and my knees are holding his arms down. We both start panting to catch our breath again and both our heads move to the door when someones clears their throat

Harry. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are a dark green as he looks at mine and Niall's position, both our faces were flushed, hair messily ruffled up not to mention the fact that I was straddling him.

I see that Harry's vision is focused on my hip and I look down to notice that my shirt has been lifted to above my hip and its all bare skin. But with my luck it wasn't just skin, making a guest appearance above my jeans was the band of the pink lacey panties

I quickly pull my shirt down and leap backwards landing on Niall's lap which causes him to groan in pain. Harry apparently, mistakes his groan of pain for one of pleasure and his grip around the doorknob in his hand tightens

No one speaks, we all stare at each other until Harry turns around and slams the door shut. "If jealous was a person, Harry would be him" Niall states, I get off Niall and he stands up along with me "You really do have daddy issues" he said nudging my shoulder giving me a cheeky smile, I laugh and shake my head "Let's just watch some movies"

"On one condition" Niall says jumping on my bed, I look at him and raise an eyebrow. He lays on his stomach and kicks his legs back and forth with his hands folded under his chin as if impersonating a teenage girl, "You go get some snacks" He says, fluttering his eyelashes

I snort "You're an idiot" but nonetheless I walk out the door and to the kitchen to get snacks. I look through the fridge and try find something Niall would eat, it wasn't very hard because he eats anything so long as it isn't healthy

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