Chapter 1

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Super Duper Short chapter, but I gives you the general idea so far. Stay tuned for Chappie 2!

I followed Stevie into the cafeteria and sat down at the table.

"How's Commanchee?" I asked. Stevie rolled her eyes and pulled some Chap-Stick out of her purse.

"General is fine, thank you for asking." Stevie's horse isn't really named Commanchee, but I call him that because Stevie has the same name of a charactor off of the T.V. show, The Saddle Club, who has a horse named Commanchee. His real name is General, who is a gorgous Paint. I used to actually be jealous of her, that was, before I bought Maya as an unbroken filly. Now I could never want any other horse.

"As a matter of fact," Stevie said while applying her second coat of lip balm. "Dr. Sanders said that he should be able to ride again by the end of next week."

"Yay!" I yelled, a little louder than I should. People silenced and turned towards me. "Maya has been dying for a trail ride with her best friend."

Stevie likes to barrel race a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean, a whole freaking lot. She is good at it too, won state competitions 2 times in a row so far, but during practice a few weeks ago, General tore a tendon after sliding on a wet arena. She cried for two days straight because she thinks it was her fault. Ok, it was her fault, but I hope to God she knows better now.

"Stevie Landers, please come to the office." The intercom boomed. I opened my milk carton and turned to Stevie.

"Why do they need you in the office?" I asked.

"To give the princable contact numbers for my parents." She said while getting out of her chair.


"I will tell you in a second." Stevie walked out of the cafeteria, leaving me alone. I turned on my phone to check the time when Maya popped up on my lock screen. A sweet picture of her with a dark leather bridle, saddle, and lime green nylon reins. I remember taking this picture, it was about two years ago, maybe. I took my camera out side with me when I went out in the pasture with Maya. This was when she was just two years old. I knew she was old enough to be broke, and that she has already had a bit in her mouth and mastered lunging, so I thought it was time to get the full tack set on her. After I succeeded tightening the girth, she looked so pretty, I pulled out my camera and took a picture. The picture on my phone is actually a photo of the original picture, which is framed on my wall.

Fast forward three weeks of lunging with tack, feed sacks on her back, and lots of praise, I sat in the saddle. She never offered to bite, kick, or dart. I was so proud I even cried. Now we are galloping in the pasture, weaving through poles, and running barrels.

Stevie sat down back at the table with me.

 "So what's going on? They already have your parent's phone numbers." I asked.

 "Well, long story, short, my great grandmotherm that I never even met passed away in Alaska, and it's my Mom's birthday in two weeks, and it's my paren'ts wedding anniversary in three weeks."

"Holy Crap."

"I know, anyway, my parents are going to be staying in Alaska with relatives for a few weeks and in a hotel for a few weeks, so I will be home alone, for like, a month and a half."

I nearly choked on my sandwich. "You are staying home alone, in your gigantic house, for a month and a half, at only sixteen years old? Not to mention your parents celebrating a million holidays across the country!" I said. 

"It's three holidays, well two holidays and a tragedy." Stevie corrected.

"Geeze..." I sighed. "I can't even walk into my backyard for five minutes before Mom checks on me to see if I got hit by a car." I whined.

"What about about groceries? Or bills?" I asked.

"Mom said she will give me grocery money if I am, responsible enough with it, and she said she will get any other money issues taken care of. Plus I have my aunt across town if I need anything."

"When will they leave?"

"A few weeks maybe, I don't know."

We finished our lunch just before the bell rang. 

 "Hey, will you come to my house after school?" I asked, picking up my messanger bag.

"Sure," Stevie responded. "If I don't have anything better to do." She joked. 

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