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So im a strong believer in the paranormal and i have a few good reasons why. 1 being that when i was younger i was at a friend's house and her dog started barking at absolutely nothing. Then as soon as he stopped the lights went out and he started to whine. This took place through the times 3:00am to 4:00am.

2 when i was at school a few years ago me and one of my besties *kills self for saying besties* but anyway me and her were in the change room of the gym. We were just hanging out and i was getting dressed and we heard singing so we just thought its just a classmate or whatever. I walked out of the stall... ALL OF THE FUCKING LOCKERS WERE OPENING AND WE WERE THE ONLY PEOPLE IN THERE!!!! I never heard the door open or close either.
I never ever went back in that room alone

3 I was at my grandma's house just in my room watching dan and phil being an idiot like i normally am. I felt like i was being watched so i looked around the room. Nothing. So i continued to watch. Again it felt like a stare was drilling into my side. So i looked out the window where the stare was coming from. There it was a shadowy figure staring back at me and disappeared seconds later
To this day whenever im in that room i still feel the same stare.

🔪🔪wow so all these things did happen in my life and all of them were pant shitingly terrifying oh and are you proud of me for writing a longer chapter🔪🔪

Until next time stay creepy and dark


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