only yours

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rag's pov :

i was talking to his friend .but i couldn't believe what he was saying  . this is can't happened he is  lying it can't be true and suddenly i found my eyes crying i couldn't control on them i was trying to control on my emotions but i found my legs running i want to stop them but i failed i didn't know what to do i was just keep running . it was raining but my tears was so heavy than the rain . the rain was nothing in front my tears . how can this happened when i start to open a new chapter in my life why  the past chapter open himself again i didn't heal until now from this pain  and the worst memory in my life came infront of me . the memory that i was trying to forget all the past two years . it's all came around my head 

flash back :

the boy :  i can't complete this shaadi .... i can't married u 

rag : plz don't say that in our shaadi . u can't leave me like this tell me that u r joking . i know that u love me more than ur life 

the boy : i was lying i never loved u 

rag : stop lying plz u scaring me . remember u once told me that u can give me ur life just 4 one smile from me 

the boy turned his face : i was just acting that i love u but i never did u was just a time pass for me

rag fall down on her knees  she was crying hard and begging him : plz don't say that . don't leave me like this . i can't stay without u . plz say that u love me 

the boy get on his knees and put his hand on her cheek and talk with a cold tone  : i just hate u and i hate seeing ur face the most . u know how much i suffered from acting that i love u .. so get lost and don't show me ur face again ( and he left from there )

fb end

i arrived the hospital i couldn't take my breath but i still keep running until i saw the doctor and i asked him about his condition and i was shock from his answer that he just has a few minutes or maybe a hour at most . i couldn't believe him so i get into his room and i saw him the love of my life . the only one i loved sanskar maheswari ...... i saw him for the first time after he destroyed me ... he was sleeping but anyone see him he will know that he has gone through so much and his face was pale . there was a dark circle around his eyes  .his rosy lips become so dark .... i couldn't see him like this anymore . i was about to leave but he wake up ................. end pov

san's pov :

i saw her again . i didn't want her to see me like this .... all the past two years i was seeing her from far away  ... it was killing me when i was seeing her with someone else but i become a dead body when i heard about her marriage but in the same time i was happy that her life didn't stop on me that she moved on but when i saw her now i wanted to hug her i wanted to feel her but knowing that tomorrow she will belong to some one else it stop me . so i called her name . the name i used to call everyday all the time but no one was there to answer me but now i got anther chance to hear her voice for the last time . i was feeling alot of pain but i tried to act that i'm fine .................................................. end pov

san : ragini  u here ( he try to sit on the bed but he failed but ragini helped him to sit and she sit opposite him on the bed)

rag : how this happened 

san : oh this i think i eat something corrupt thats y ...but y u here do u came to see ur enemy lying on the bed so u can feel better .... so if u happy now u can leave i don't want to see ur face 

san was talking very difficult but he manage to say that . he didn't know y he said that but all he know that he wanted her Continue hating him that he can't destroy the life that she was trying to building from 2 years and he didn't want to die in front of her but this words was each for ragini to make her lose her sense so she slaped him ..... yes he needed this slap to make him wake up from what he was doing

san : r u happy now

rag : how can u do this to me . y u didn't tell me the truth

san : what truth r u crazy ( he avoid eye connect)

rag : to how long u will keep lying . i know every thing now rahul told me everything

san : he is lying see i'm good

rag : fine i will go ( rag was about to leave but san hold her hand she look at him they have an eye look but rag break it )

san : stay plz

rag : how can u do this to me ? how can some one love someone like this ? how can u

san : bcoz i love u

rag : u should told me .. . bcoz of u i lost the faith in myself . i lost the faith in love. i couldn't trust anyone after what u did to me . u destroyed me ( rag start crying )..... inside of leaving me like this and make me hate u . u should told me . i wasn't leave u for this but i was agree to married u and have kids from u

san : plz stop crying don't make me weak more than i'm now ....thats y i couldn't tell u .. i knew about my condition the day before our shaadi and i know if i told u . u will support me and accept me like this . but what will happened to u after i leave how can i be so selfish to destroy ur life 4 my happiness .how can i leave u in pain all ur life for just couple of months i will spend with u 

rag : how can u say that . bcoz of what u did we two lived in pain all this time . we could make a anew memories together that will make me live all my life . all i want from this life is you . i only want u  . i wanted ur name to write behind my name . i wanted to belong to u and u belong to me . to be yours only yours sanskar but now i will belong to some one else . tomorrow i will be with laksh 

san : i know and i'm happy laksh is  a good person who will keep u happy all ur life . he will give u the happiness that i couldn't give u

rag :how can u love me like this . i tried to hate u all this time . i was saying bad things on u all the time . i was angry on u and my self bcoz u the only one i loved

san : it's okey .... now i can die knowing that u moved on in ur life . now i can die knowing that i will leave u in a save hands . now i can die knowing that u don't hate me anymore .now i can die knowing that i was loved not by any one by u ragini gadodia the only girl that my heart beat for and the only girl that my heart will stop for 

rag hugged him  tight : plz don't leave me 

san : u know before u coming here my wish was to see u 4 the last time but now after seeing u i get so selfish so my last wish is to get u in all my other births .  in the next time life i won't leave u that easy i promise ........ can i ask u something ( rag nods ) can u hug me more . make me feel u for the last time (rag hugged him more tight ) now i can sleep peacefully ( and he close his eyes )


ragini setting in her room wearing her bride dress and in her hand san's photo  

'' i won't leave ur sacrifice go in vain .. i'm married now maybe in this life we didn't meant to be together but my heart will always be yours . only yours . in this life and all my other lifes . i promise i will only be yours ''

rag put the photo on her desk and leave the room 

ragsan ــــــــ only yours OSWhere stories live. Discover now