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Kaito's P.O.V

Kaito stared at the wall in front of him, his phone buzzing in the background, he could hear his parents fighting loudly downstairs, he had his door locked so they couldn't get into his room, words echoed through his empty mind, another loud crash echoed through the house, before a door slammed and a car started, speeding away, he stood up and walked over to his window, staring at the eerily silent town, he always hated silence, it made him feel truly alone, he watched the house on the other side of the road, that's where his crush Gray lived, they only ever talked once, and it didn't end well, Kaito was never good with people, mostly because he was antisocial and awkward, he walked away from his window and grabbed his phone, shoving it into his pocket before unlocking his door and heading downstairs.

"Bye Mom.." he said softly to his crying mother, who was sat on the kitchen counter, her head in her hands, she looked up, "where are you going?" she asked though a sob, "Out for a walk, i'll be back in a few hours..." he said, "Alright go, be careful" she responded before getting off the kitchen counter and heading upstairs to her room, Kaito sighed and headed out the door, locking it behind him, and started walking to the forest that was at the edge of the town he lived in.

After maybe 20 minutes he made it to the forest, he walked on the secret path only he knew about, that leaded to a Willow tree and a stream that was right behind it, after 5 minutes of walking he made it to the tree, he walked through the leaves and walked over to the trunk of the tree, climbing up and onto one of the bigger branches, he layed back and inhaled deeply, a small smile playing at his lips, he pulled out his phone and earbuds, putting them in his ears and playing some soft music, the sun had started to set, it looked very beautiful, the mixed colors of blues and pinks in the sky, he picked up his phone again, opening the camera and taking a few pictures of the beautiful sunset through the leaves of the tree, before stopping his music and and putting his phone back into his pocket, hopping off the branch he was sitting on.

He walked over to the stream, dipping his hands into it and splashing some water onto his face, yawning lightly and standing up, he decided that he should head home, as it was getting fairly late and the forest is full off different animals that don't exactly like humans, he walked over to the path and started heading back home, his mind still fairly empty, thoughts only of his mother, and how he was worried for her mental health.

He got to his street, his head down and only paying attention to his feet that were dragging along the pavement, he made it to his home safely, sighing in relief when he saw his father wasn't back yet, he walked up to the door and unlocked it, stepping into the house and closing the door again, he slipped out of his shoes and headed upstairs, he went to his room and shut the door, taking off his hoodie and changing into some sweatpants, before sliding into bed, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, before turning over and looking out his window, seeing an owl perched on a branch, hooting softly, he smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep to the sound of the wind outside.


Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter, this is a fairly new story so the plot will take a while to prepare..

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