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Today was like any other day. I woke to my cat endlessly needing food and acting like she loved me for a change. Cats are weird that way, they act like they love you and then they leave the second they have food to go eat. I can already predict how today is going to go. Wake up, feed Simone, and lounge around, since today is my day off. I decided to get up and feed the beast, hoping something will happen today to make it mildly exciting. As I scooped up some cat food, I heard my phone go off with that annoying ding that annoyed me slightly but I had grown accustomed to. After pouring Simone some food, I went up to the bedroom and picked up my phone. I sighed after reading: Hey Addison, would you like to come in today to work for a few hours? On my rare day off, there was no way I was going in. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, typing up numbers is fun and all, but I do need my days off or I would go insane. After deciding I was going to ignore the text, my stomach started grumbling in that awful way. I made myself a bagel and sat down at the table, glancing over yesterday's newspaper. A knock sounded at the door. Who could be visiting me at this hour? I sauntered over to the door and glanced out the window. Tiff? What is she doing here? I opened the door, "Tiff! It's so early, why are you here?" I stood there in my baggy sweatshirt and shorts. 

"Hey Addy! I got some news for you," she exclaimed excitedly. She walked in and planted herself on my couch. 

"Okayyy, spill." Secretly hoping it was some insignificant news about some drama at work or a new hookup, I pretended to look interested. 

"Sooooo, as you know, I don't keep my relationships very well, don't even deny it," I nodded. "There's this wonderfully new amazing guy in town and he picked ME, of all people, to take an interest in. Isn't that weird? Well I thought it was weird, so I was suspicious and started drilling into him with questions about his past, where he's from. Come to find out, he grew up here! Like, isn't that just weird? As you know, I've only lived here for a few years. So, of course, I asked if he knew you, cuz you know, you've lived here forever, and he said he did! And he was all interested in what I had to say about you, like creepy interested. Isn't that just strange?" She was all bubbly with excitement and fascination. It wasn't unusual for people who grew up here to come back, of course they'd know me, everyone in town went to the same school and all played at the same park as kids. I was just a little curious who this stranger was that claimed to know me. 

"So, who was he? Did he give you a name?" I asked casually. 

"Oh yea! I forgot to tell you his name, duh. His name was James, um, James Carter, I think it was." She seemed pleased with my interest in her dull topic. The funny thing is, I know exactly who James Carter is. He moved away mysteriously back in high school. No one heard from him or knew where he went. We all assumed it was due to his parents getting a new job or something. "Oh! So you DO know him, don't you?" Tiff exclaimed. 

"Yes, I do, but he moved away so long ago without telling anyone. Just up and disappeared. No one knew where he went." 

"Oh really? Maybe you can get to know him or something." Her face sunk a little, realizing I knew him. 

"Oh no, you go ahead. I'm not really interested. He's all yours." I laughed. I had no interest in dating after the last time I was in a committed relationship. 

"Oh goody, its been awhile since I've been with someone who looked remotely anywhere near as good as James does. Come to think of it, I don't think I've met anyone as dreamy as James. He's so, yummy." That was the last thing I wanted to hear. Her fantasies could be hers and hers alone, I had no interest in that area. "Well, I will leave you alone, I have a man to go chase down." She left and I was left alone with the rest of my day. Hopefully, I will be able to lounge around and rest with no more interruptions. I heard my phone ring from the dining room. Of course, being undisturbed was too much to ask. I picked it up and answered, "Hello?" 

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