Chapter Twenty Six

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     Tyler laughed at something Josh said and looked over at Cynthia. "Wasn't it a great idea to come to this party?"

     "Yeah! Except, well, people get drunk quickly. Just don't let yourself drunk, okay, babe?" He nodded, and she kissed him on the cheek and walked off. He should have known it was a dream right then because Cynthia doesn't say babe.

     But he didn't even think about it.

     He let himself fall into his trap.

     He looked around and saw that everyone was gone. "What?" He looked all around the house to see if he could find everyone.

     Not a single person was in sight.

     "Cynthia? Josh? Gracie?" He called out their names, but there was no response. He decided to walk down the hall and search the rest of the house. He walked down the hall for what felt like forever - he didn't remember the hall being that long - before he finally reached the end. Instead of there being at least three doors to choose from, there was only one. He walked forward and realized that the door was slightly open. He walked forward and looked through the small space. There, he saw Cynthia......

     Kissing another man.

     His eyes widened. He thought about barging in there and ending it, but he decided to wait. The kiss quickly escalated. He guessed that the man's tongue entered Cynthia's mouth, because she moaned. He cringed at the noise. He never thought that noise would ever come out of Cynthia. WHAT ABOUT WHEN YOU GUYS DECIDE YOU WANT KIDS, IDIOT?! He rolled his eyes at his brain and kept watching. They FINALLY separated and began to undress. Then they did the unthinkable:

     They began to have sex.

      Cynthia moaned with every movement, and so did the man. Tyler had yet to identify the man. All he knew was that the man had yellow hair. Soon, they both reached THAT POINT, and Cynthia kissed the man and said, "Wow, now I'm pregnant! I'll get an abortion." She stepped away and began to put her clothes back on. So did the man. He finally spoke: "Yeah. Get that abortion as soon as possible, alright?" He recognized that voice almost immediately.

     It was Josh.

    Josh had sex with his wife.

    Tyler couldn't take it anymore. His blood was boiling, and he wouldn't be surprised if his face was red. He slammed the door open and said, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Both Cynthia and Josh looked at him. Josh said, "It's not what you think! Look, me and Cynthia don't like each other like that!"

     "Well, you clearly do, since you just cheated on your own wife with my wife!" Josh looked down. "Look, just take her home, alright? I swear, it's not what you thi-"

     "IT CLEARLY IS! AND YOU CAN HAVE HER! SHE'S JUST A SLUT WHO FUCKS EVERY MAN SHE COMES ACROSS EXCEPT FOR HER OWN HUSBAND!" And with that, he stormed out of the house. As soon as he walked out, it began to rain. He looked up at the sky and let a single tear roll down his face. "WHY?!" He screamed and ran across the street, into the forest. He kept running. He began to feel pain, but he ignored it and kept going. Soon, he stopped and clutched his chest. It felt like he couldn't breathe properly. He let himself fall against the tree he was leaning on and sobbed. Why did Cynthia cheat on him? Just then, he heard a voice.

     "I can help you, Tyler." He looked up and realized who said it.


     "Believe me, you can't help. You weren't made to help! You just make everything worse!"

     "Look, here's the deal. I'll tell you why Josh fucked Cynthia, alright?" Tyler thought about it before he nodded. Blurryface sat beside of him and began to explain. "The two were shoved into a room, not having any idea as to what was going on. Before the door was 'shut,' though, they were handed a note. It said, 'Have sex, otherwise we'll kill Josh's wife.' They were both terrified. They didn't want Gracie to die. So they did it." Tyler face palmed and said, "I'm an idiot! I should have let Josh explain!"

     "You can still go back and make things right."

      "You're right. Thanks, Blurry."

     "No problem, Ty." Tyler quickly stood up and ran back to the house. He opened the door and ran down the hall, then back into the room. He quickly came to a stop when he saw the gaping hole in the floor. "What the..." He saw, on the back of the note, the word "help" scribbled on there. He didn't know whether or not he should jump in. "Too late." He was shoved into the hole. He screamed before his mouth shut. He couldn't speak. He soon hit the ground. He stood up and looked around. It was just pure black everywhere. He walked around before hearing footsteps. He turned around and saw Blurryface holding a rope. "Wouldn't it be great to die young?" He made a noose and inserted Tyler's head into it. "Perfect fit. Now we just gotta hang it up..." Tyler looked around and spotted Cynthia and Josh. He mouthed the words "I'm sorry." He was about to say something before he felt himself being dragged. Blurryface made him stand on top of a chair. His head was forced into the noose. "Alright. Now, just kick away the chair." Tyler made no move to kick the chair away. Blurryface sighed angrily and pulled the chair out from under his feet. He could feel the rope quickly choking him. "Cynthia. Help." He yelled. "Cynthia! Help me! Please!" That was all he could choke out before Blurryface was floating in front of him, knife in hand. "This is gonna shut you up." He slit Tyler's throat and let him hang there, dead.

      Tyler's nightmare kept playing in his head over and over again. Cynthia saw the strain on his face and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He looked over and gave her a small smile, then looked back out the window and sighed. Gerard's voice snapped his attention away from the window. (OOH I FEEL A NEW GAY SHIP COMING ON GYLER WHAT DO YOU THINK GUYS) "Alright, we're here. Everyone get out and be careful of the dracs, alright?" Everyone laughed and got out of the car. Tyler sighed and followed Gerard. They all walked inside and to the hotel room. When they were inside the hotel room, they were greeted by Lindsay and Bandit, who was adorable. Tyler picked Bandit up and let her sit on his shoulders. He ran around the room, and she screamed and giggled. He set her down and looked over at Cynthia, who was laughing at something Lindsay said, while Gerard's face turned red from embarrassment. He smiled and realized:

     He wouldn't live his life any other way.

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