Intro and Rules

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First off, thank you for checking out this book. We are very excited to start this contest book as we know there are not that many contests that run in the middle of the year. Now onto the juicy stuff.

What we Are

We are a contest book(obviously) dedicated to finding and recognizing special and unique books that may not have had the opportunity or want another shot at an award. Now, this does not mean our awards will be easy to win; since we are doing this 4 times a year our judging criteria is going to be rough, but don't get discouraged we have categories for everyone! Each genre category will have 15 entries. Specials... well, we'll see.

***At this point ENTRIES are still open in ALL categories***


Yes, those fun things you must read before entering. Well, here they are:

1) Follow @Seasonal_Awards (this is so you can get updates from us and follow the contest, you may unfollow once you are done competing)

2) Books can be any genre, but MUST be four chapters long minimum. (Incomplete books are welcome, prologue included)

3)Books MUST be of the genre they are nominated for. If the genre is full, you can always apply in summer

4) You must tag your story with the appropriate tags

5) Tag three people who may be interested

6) Winning stories may not be reentered; however, an author may enter another book.

7) An author may enter as many stories as they like, however I am limiting it to one book per genre.


These are not rules but we suggest you do these things

1) Add this book to your library or public reading list

2) Tag more people

3) Totally comment here about any questions you have


March 21st to May 1st - entries for Spring

May 2nd to June 21st - judging for Spring

June 23rd to August 1st - entries for Summer

August 2nd to September 20th - judging for Summer

 September 22nd to November 1st - entries for Autumn

November 2nd to December 21st - judging for Autumn

December 23rd to February 1st - entries for Winter

February 2nd to March 19th - judging for Winter

You might ask, why those dates specifically? They seem a little random, right? Well, these are the dates of the seasons. Each entry period starts on the first day of that season. Enjoy a random fact. :)

Continue to the next chapter for categories and entry form. We'll see you there!

Seasonal Awards 2017Where stories live. Discover now