Prizes and Stickers

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Maybe this is the part you are most excited for? Well, here are the prizes, there will be a top three for each genre category and one winner for each special.


**A follow

**Your book added to the winner's chapter and winner's reading list

**A sticker

**Commentary on the entire book from me


**A follow

**Your book added to the winner's chapter

**Commentary on half the book from me


**A follow

**Commentary on a quarter of the book from me



**A shout-out

**A sticker


**Your book added to a reading list

**A sticker


**A sticker

Greatest Hit:

**Your book added to a reading list

**A dedication

**A sticker

This is an example of a sticker, each sticker will state the genre/special awarded. It is watermarked for purposes you probably already know of.

 It is watermarked for purposes you probably already know of

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