Freshman year

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Hello my name is anne and I'm about to tell you about my life in high school and how shitty it was before I met the guy of my dreams. The first day of freshman year was fine until all my friends became fucking pricks to me. I made my first friend and her name was lisa, we hung out everyday. I invited her to come over and eat a bunch of junk food. We talked about everything like what boys we liked and what we wanted to do after high school and how we would live in a big house with a million cats and dogs. The thing I hated about her was that she always talked about her fucked up boyfriend and how she loved him so fucking much. One day I went to the movies with her but her boyfriend came plus he brought a friend. The friend kept asking if I gave anyone a blow job before or did 69 with anyone. After the movie ended I told my friend that I hated how the guy kept asking me weird questions and she said he was just trying to make conversation with a beautiful girl like you. I said why would a guy ask me inappropriate questions to me he is just being a purbe. My friend asked me if she wanted to eat junk food and talk about how we love mcsteamy from greys anatomy. I said fuck yes! We watched grey's anatomy and we fell asleep while watching it. When we woke up our hair was in a giant tangle and it was so hard to brush out and it hurt so much. When we finished getting ready for school we ate leftover pizza for breakfast from last night. When we got to school my best friend introduced me to her friends but I liked them because they knew how to braid hair and how to do each others hair. They also knew some hot boys that I looked at in my classes but didn't know their names. A girl named chelsea asked me if I wanted to hang out with her after school and I said of course. I had $300 on me because I was planning on going to the mall anyway with lisa. I asked Lisa if it was ok if I went to the mall with Chelsea and she said it was fine because she was going to hang out with her boyfriend. Right after school I drove Chelsea to the mall and we talked while we shopped. We went to the popular stores like hollister,American eagle and forever 21 because we wanted to get cute clothes and didn't want to get ugly clothing at Walmart or old navy. When we finished shopping I had a ton of money left over like $100 so we had dinner at Olive Garden we got a ton of garlic breadsticks and a crap ton of pasta which was carbs. After we ate the dinner I drove Chelsea home and she said that we should do that again another time. I said yes I would love to do that. When I got home it was about midnight and my mom was waiting for me in the kitchen and asked where the hell I have been. I told her that I went to the mall and she yelled at me " YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING TOLD ME BEFORE I HAD THE POLICE SEARCH FOR YOU!" I said " I AM SORRY FOR NOT TELLING YOU PLUS THIS PLAN WAS FUCKING LAST MINUTE!"  I stormed off to my room and my mom came into my room and apologized for yelling at me and I said the same thing. I had to get all of my work done because I didn't have time to do it because I was too busy after school and didn't have time. I got my work done at 3:45 and only had 3 hours to sleep so I stayed up and watched grey's anatomy until I needed to get ready for school. When I got ready for school I had to turn my car on and get the snow and ice off because it is the middle of the winter. I was in shorts while walking to start my car. I had to run into my house and change and get ready because I only had an hour to get ready. I did my hair with a French braid and the clothes I wore was a lace up shirt from hollister which was 45 dollars. Then I had lace up pants from forever 21 which cost about 100 dollars but it was worth it. For shoes I wore black lace up heels which had your toe peeking out. I got my coat on and ran out the door to go to school plus I had to pick up Lisa and Chelsea because there parents were at work. I also had to pick up Lisa's fucked up boyfriend when he got into the car I floored the gas pedal to scare him a little bit but he was fine with it because he was basically munching on Lisa's face. I asked if anyone wanted dunkin and everyone said FUCK YES! I said ok what do you guys want. Lisa said she wanted ice coffee with 3 sugars and 3 creams. Chelsea said she wanted a Boston creme doughnut and same drink as Lisa. Lisa's boyfriend said get me a coffee with munchkins. I asked everyone to pinch in and they all gave me a 5 dollar bill and I gave the money to the cashier. When we all got to school it was about 8:10 and we were 10 minutes late and I was like Fuck we are 10 minutes late. We all had to go to the office and explain why we were late. We all said we were stuck in traffic and behind a slow old driver. We went to class but the teacher just said we needed to get the work from him. When I sat down to do the work a guy named jake asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him and I said yes because why not. After I said yes I had to text my mom so she wouldn't call the police and yell at me. After I texted her she said who is the boy and all of this random shit. I ignored her for the rest of the class but I got my phone taken away from me because she kept texting me. Right after class ended jake came up to me and asked where I wanted to go and I didn't care but he said how about chipotle to have burritos and stuff. I said "of course" then he asked me for my number so I gave it to him so we could text/flirt with each other. When it came to lunch I sat with chelsea and lisa plus lisa's stupid boyfriend. I told them what has happened and they were all happy for me because I found a boy who asked me out. They all asked me what I was going to wear and I said "I don't fucking know yet!" So right after school my friends and I went to my house searched for the perfect outfit which was ripped black jeans and a black tank top with a brown blazer. I also wore black ankle boots because it went well with the outfit. Ok guys it time to go on the date hope I look hot enough for jake. When I left for the date my friends spanked my ass for good luck. I was so happy and nervous about the date because I have never been on a date or had my first kiss. When we ordered our food we started to talk about how we both have so much in common and how we could be the perfect couple. After the date jake asked me if it would be ok if he kissed me even though it was the first date. I nodded yes and he kissed me it felt like I was kissing a million puppys and it made me so happy.

Anne's high school yearsWhere stories live. Discover now