Freshmen year part 2

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On wednesday I woke up with a smile on my face because last night I had my first day with the hottest boy in my class and I HAD MY FIRST KISS! I hope jake ask me to become his girlfriend because he is hot and we got ton of stuff in common. Ok so it was time to get ready and get my outfit picked out. I decided to wear a pink crop top with cute pink and white leggings with uggs. When I went to pick up chelsea and lisa they both screamed at me and asked how the date went. I said IT WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME!  Oh ya lisa's boyfriend wasn't here today because "He was sick" at least that is what lisa thinks but who knows. Anyway when we got to school jake asked me if he could walk me to class and I said of course you can with a wink. While he walked me to class he finally asked me to become his girlfriend. Everyone in the hall started to whisper and say omg that couple is like the hottest couple ever in the grade. When I got to class I said well this is my stop and as i was about to say bye he kissed me like on the first date. When the kissed ended my teacher asked me to come to class and not be distracted by my boyfriend, Man I love that word boyfriend. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling because I was just so happy. I felt like I was in love or at least that is what I think I felt. When I started to work on math problems I just kept thinking about jake because I was his girlfriend and it made me so happy.Ok so now I need to focus on math and school but need to think about my boyfriend later. So when it came to lunch I had to tell chelsea and lisa that I am now dating jake. They screamed as loud as they could even the lunch room could hear them scream and started to stare. They were just happy for me because I have someone that cares about me as much as they do. After lunch i started my science class but when I got there jake was there waiting to ask me something. He came up to me with a sign saying "Will you go to the Semi formal with me?" I said of course I will and started to kiss him a lot. When my science class started everyone was congratulating me because of what just happened. When the day ended I was walking to my car but then all of a sudden I saw jake running after me saying would u go on another date with me after school. I said of course just let me go home and change into something cute. He said you don't have to change you look beautiful just now. I kissed him on the cheek because he was so sweet.We had a bowling date but the funny thing was that I beat him 10 times and he only beat me once it was so funny but he taught me how to bowl a perfect strike but he had trouble. After our second date I took him home but when I took him home he asked me if I wanted to meet his parents and I said of course. His mother was so nice she was happy that jake found someone like me. His father wasn't home but jake said I could meet him another time. When I went home I told my mom where I went and she didn't give a shit where I have been because she was too busy doing paper work. I went to shower because I smelt bad because I didn't shower this morning but when I stepped out my phone rang. It was jake calling me but I don't know why he was calling me. I answered him and he was at a party with his friends even lisa was there. Lisa asked jake if he would go upstairs with him and do stuff. I started to cry my eyes out because of what was happening and started to call lisa's phone saying that she was a slut for sleeping with my boyfriend and she said what the fuck are you talking about? I yelled at her saying you know what the fuck i was talking about and then said you aren't my friend anymore because you fucked my boyfriend. When I went to bed all i could think about was how my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. I was so upset so I didn't go to school on friday because of what just happened. Chelsea asked me what has happened because she was worried about me. I told her what happened and she was shocked just like me but she kinda knew it was going to happen because she slept with him too. I hung up the phone because I was so mad at her too. It was going to be summer in 2 weeks but I wanted it to go away so fast so when I went to school on monday I ignored everyone who asked me if I was ok and moved on with freshman year.When freshmen year ended I went to visit my family in florida to get away from the drama.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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