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"Why'd you do it?!" Perrie gasped, pushing Jade for an answer.


Perrie rolled her eyes as she walked up behind Jade, sliding her arms round her waist as she pulled her abruptly back into her body, making her gasp at the action. Jade felt her hot breaths against the nape of her neck as she closed her eyes.

"Don't act dumb with me..."

Jade tried to link her hands with Perrie's but she was quickly spun round and pushed flush against the cold, tiled wall, her hands pinned above her head as Perrie pushed her body up against her, eye contact held like there was no tomorrow as lust shone through. Perrie was quick to exit the room, knowing she'd successfully retaliated to Jade groping her ass on the red carpet earlier that evening.


"No!" Jade screamed relentlessly.

"Jade, please?!"

"Perrie please... Just leave me alone."

Perrie felt the tears fall as she watched Jade leave the building, climbing into her car with tears rolling down her cheeks too. They'd been getting closer and closer over the past few months, with the red-carpet grope happening only a week ago. However, Perrie had gone out the night before and pictures had surfaced of her dancing with a guy in a club, grinding into him, covering the headlines. They'd managed to get through a radio interview purely down to the fact that Jade had yet to see the photos in the news. It was halfway through when Jade felt her heart snap into two. She sucked it up for the rest of the interview before exiting the building with no word to the other two, just Perrie hot on her heels.

"Go after her, Perrie." Leigh pushed, Jesy by her side.

"You're kidding, right? She hates me..."

Jesy placed a hand on her back, rubbing it as she tried to console her.

"She loves you. Which is why she's heartbroken. You need to go after her and tell her how you feel. Not only for the both of you but for Leigh-Anne and I, too. We need to all be as strong as possible together and that won't happen if you two aren't talking..."


"Go on. We'll see you tonight at the restaurant," Leigh ushered her along.


Perrie knocked on Jade's door, knowing she might not answer. Soon enough though, the door was cracked open to reveal a broken Jade in her unicorn onesie. She tried to close the door again but Perrie was quick to enter the apartment, closing the door behind her and spinning Jade, gently pinning her against the door as she unzipped the onesie, letting it fall to the ground, leaving Jade in only her thong.

Jade gasped at the sudden impact of the cold door against her bare back as the air hit her nipples, sending a shiver down her spine. Perrie looked at her lustfully, pressing her body against hers as she smashed their lips together in a fiery embrace, passion flowing as she roughly bit her lip, hearing a low, guttural moan escape from Jade. She pulled back and kissed down her neck, nipping the skin on her collar bone as she told her to jump, wrapping her legs round her torso.

"I was drunk... It's no excuse I know... But I was drunk and missing you... I love you... Only you... You're the only person I want to be with... You're the only person I need and the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with..."

"You... You promise, Perrie?"

"Oh, I promise, baby girl..."

"I love you too..." Jade smirked, nipping at Perrie's skin.

"I know... Love you more, Jadey..."


"She had me pinned up against the door in just me pants, me legs wrapped round her waist. She was scattering kisses on me collar bone then turned round and told me how much she loved me and that she wants me and only me to spend the rest of her life with..."

Perrie gasped as Jade revealed how Perrie had confessed her love for her.

"Baba! You aren't supposed to tell everyone what I was doing at the time..."

Jesy and Leigh-Anne laughed as Perrie turned a light shade of pink, a smirk on her face though as she sat next to her girlfriend and opposite not only her other two bandmates but her best friends.

"I'm sorry, darling..."

She leant over Perrie, kissing her lips softly, not caring about them being in public.

"I take it you don't care about coming out to the world?" Leigh asked them curiously.

"I know I don't..." Jade smiled, sweetly.

"I don't want to hide this... I mean, they all love us together anyway, they knew it before we did..." Perrie stated, kissing Jade's shoulder.

As the course of the evening went on, Perrie could feel Jade's hand sliding slowly higher and higher up her dress, until the tips of her fingers were brushing over her centre. She choked slightly on her drink and Jade bit her lip, trying not to smirk as she moved her hand more, thankful that the table covered them.

"You okay?" Jesy quizzed.

"Yeah... Just um... Um, a tickly throat..." Perrie nodded, blushing slightly.

"Oh I hope you aren't getting ill!" Leigh stated, her innocence shining.

"Hmm me either..." Perrie smirked.

Jade held up a completely normal conversation with the girls as she worked her fingers against Perrie's centre, pushing three fingers roughly into her, making her release a groan as she clutched the edge of the seat they were on in their booth. Leigh-Anne narrowed her eyes towards her, studying her behaviour.

"Sweetie you've gone really red in the face, are you sure you're okay?"

Jesy suddenly paid more attention to her behaviour too, noticing Jade's arm was twitching constantly before sneakily studying both girls' eyes, coming to the realization of just what they were doing, giggling slightly at her best friends' behaviour. She looked at Jade sternly, knowing Perrie was clocking on to the look, telling them silently through the look that they'd been busted. Jade was quick to remove her fingers, much to Perrie's displeasure, wiping them on her thigh before pulling her dress back down for her, using that hand to ruffle her hair and kiss her on the cheek, showing Jesy they'd stopped. Perrie scowled at them both and Leigh-Anne looked at them.

"I'm so confused..."

"Don't worry babes, you're too cute to need to know." Jesy giggled, rubbing Leigh's arm.


Just a little something from a few years back that I'd written! Still makes me chuckle even now! Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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