Mother's Instinct - Chapter 3

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Kathryn Granger: the Nexis Prime, supreme leader of Planet Nexia. Everything about her screamed self-confidence and presence. Her regal yet relaxed posture, her piercing gaze, her fiery red hair flowing in a ponytail behind her. She wore a tight but thick body suit of deep red and navy blue colors with silver patterns, and a long cape of the same blue hue with platinum fur on the edges, supported by shoulder pads of the same color scheme as the cape. Even her walk communicated she was sure of herself as she moved to greet Mika with an enveloping hug.

In a way, she was very reminiscent of Niji.

"It is good to see you back in our world, my dear." She smiled at Mikaro as she released her from the hug, resting her hands on her guest's shoulders instead. "A real pleasure, indeed. How long has it even been?"

"Uh..." The black-haired young woman had to regain her composure quickly. Physical proximity wasn't really her thing, but she couldn't let herself be overwhelmed in this diplomatic visit. "I don't even know. Two years, give or take?"

"It certainly feels like more." Kathryn replied, finally letting the girl go and giving her some space. Mika sighed in relief to herself.

"Yeah, well... Stuff has happened, you know."

"Ah, yes. The Niji Army's decision to remain rogue after the reforming of order in the universe has pulled us all apart, but sometimes there are more important matters to consider. By taking down the Empire, your group helped my people emerge from the shadows and reach heights we could only dream of, and for that, you have my most heartfelt thanks. Whatever it is you came to ask for, you have our full support." The Prime's smile widened.

"But what about the UPC? I hear you pledged allegiance to their cause. Wouldn't your support to us be a problem to them?" Mika asked, perplexed.

"Heh heh heh... Darling, have you forgotten we also 'pledged' ourselves to the Empire while secretly working against them? We've always been the sneaky type. The UPC doesn't need to know we're helping you." She winked after finishing saying that. "Don't worry, I promise we're on your side."

The soldier did remember that about Nexia during the war... But it didn't make her feel better. Shady allies like that weren't ever completely trustworthy. Heck, even Zones's United Rebels were more transparent. It was a good thing Mika was an expert at keeping a straight face; the Nexis Prime wouldn't be able to tell what she was thinking, that she was having doubts about this whole endeavor. However, for the moment, it was best to keep playing along.

"In that case, I thank you as well." She answered, nodding her head once more.

"There we go! We understand each other." Kathryn clapped her hands together gleefully. "Now, what is it you need? And, by the way, where is your Commander? It's not like him to send a messenger... Usually it's him that shows up for meetings like these."

"That's exactly what the problem is." Mika replied darkly.

After explaining to the Prime most of the same things she told Largo, the soldier woman remained silent and waited for the Nexian leader to react. Like the Tetran man, Kathryn was also in deep thought. The difference was that such a stance was very unlike her, and it made Mika feel uneasy.

"The reason I'd prefer the UPC didn't find out about his disappearance is because the ex-Rebel Alliance members are scattered and leaderless." She elaborated. "The Peace Corps would target them and take them prisoners, knowing Riku, the only person that could have been their head, isn't there to rescue them. When it comes to the rebels, the UPC isn't one to listen to too much reason."

Still absorbed in her thoughts, the Prime nodded in agreement. Then, she looked at Mika.

"This is indeed a dire situation. I didn't even know you guys had disbanded."

The dark-haired young lady shrugged.

"Shit happens."

She had omitted the whole love relationship matter, as well as the reasons for the dissolving of the army that had to do with their code of honor. They were precious to Mika; the Nexis Prime didn't need to know about them.

"Still..." Kathryn continued. "We will do whatever we can to find Riku, no matter how difficult it may be. Assistants! Begin searching immediately, but remember to be discreet. The UPC cannot find out what we're doing. Prilynne, remain here."

As the ginger nodded and other girls got up from their seats, bowed and left the room, the soldier couldn't help but think the Nexis Prime had become a little more... pompous, since the last time they'd met.

"Now, as for you, my dear... No doubt you are tired. You've been looking for him incessantly this past week; surely you must need to rest." Kathryn suggested, with another smile.

"Oh, I appreciate it, but I should get back to finding Riku." Mika said, returning the smile faintly. "I can't just leave him out there. Cath is a very dangerous being."

She just then realized how similar the little devil's name was to the Prime's. Just a coincidence, but an eerie one nonetheless.

"I understand, but it will do you no good if you can't work as efficiently as possible. You'll just get nowhere. Stay here in the palace for a couple days; we'll arrange a place for you to relax in. Prilynne, show our guest to one of the vacant rooms and fix it up nicely for her, alright?"

"As you say, Nexis Prime." The attendant bowed in response.

"Wait, hold on." Mika protested, holding her hands up. "I get that you're trying to help me, and that's very nice of you, but don't you think I should be consulted first? I mean..."

"Ah, but we don't have to do that." Kathryn interrupted her without wavering her smile. "It's already been done. Deep down, you have proposed a moment of rest to yourself, have you not?"

The young woman had to admit that was true; this search had made her very tired. However, there was something else way more important than that. The Nexians' attitudes were getting too suspicious now. Mika was sure of it; they were clearly hiding something and they didn't want her to find out. In any normal situation, she would have confronted them right then and there about it, but she had gone into this mission without any support. Even though she had her escape plan ready if things went south, she had to be extremely careful with her actions from now on.

"...You're right. I could use some rest. Thank you for your hospitality." Mika said.

The soldier chose to keep playing along. Eventually, she would spring the trap and uncover their true intentions. Once she did, she would do what she must.

"Perfect!" The Nexis Prime clapped her hands together again. "Prilynne, show her the way. Oh, and if she needs anything, be sure to be at the ready for her. I place you in her charge as long as she's on Nexia."

"Understood, milady. Please follow me, lady Mikaro."

As they left the room and walked through the hallways once more, Mika took a few quick looks at the ginger attendant. Her stern gaze was fixed straight forward, as usual, but the Tetran thought she detected that nervousness from before in her eyes.

This might not be so bad, after all.

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