Art Competition...

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I recently competed in an art competition. JCDC i have no clue to wat it stands for but yeah.. And my art piece was a painting,a crappy piece,it was my first time painting. But i also sent in a pointillism piece,its an art piece made from dots. It was obviously superior. BUT(T) the judges said" oh! No 6 grader would sit down and produce such a piece. I am CONVINCED that the supervisor had helped her" and other bull crap. So they sent it back. BUT(T) they choose the piece of crap  painting to be awarded, so im pretty salty about that. 

So on April 23,i am supposed to be at Jamaica conference centre to be awarded either Merit, bronze,gold or silver medal .

Im hella existed for it.😆

I just never thought that MY art was even given a chance at getting noticed for my art. About 700 ppl entered and only 200 pieces were choosen.😆

Art Garbage Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora