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SITTING IN THE MIDDLE of the meditation room was a young woman, she adorned black Jedi robes, her chestnut hair was pulled back into a low bun, with her padawan braid tucked behind her left ear. Her luminious brown eyes were closed and her angelic face was stoic. With her back straight and her legs crossed, her hands on top of her knees, she looked peaceful on the outside but her thoughts and feelings were anything but. Inside her raging mind she recounts a memory with her Master.

     They were dueling in a training room with training lightsabers, the fourteen year old had come a long way with her saber technique and was eager to show her Master, she was nearly perfect, but her Master was better. He was always better. No matter how many hits she got on him he came back with two more. She was getting angry that she could not beat him, her blows were becoming more and more fierce with her growing anger. Her Master noticed this as he could feel her anger through the force, pulsating with each hit of lightsaber to lightsaber.

Blocking another one of her blows Kit Fisto spoke,"Breathe my young padawan, anger is a path to the dark side." She had ceased movement at her Master's words, feeling guilty for losing control so quickly. Her tense body relaxed and her posture slumped, turning away from her Master she closed her eyes. After taking a couple of deep breaths and suppressing her feelings she looked back towards her Master who watched her with calculating eyes.

"I am very sorry Master, I don't know what came over me. Please forgive—" She was abruptly cut off when her Master spoke, "Already forgiven my young padawan. When you feel you are losing control of your feelings you need to breathe, focus on what you are doing, and regain control."

Breathe. Focus. Regain control. This is the mantra that repeats inside Corinna Nyland's head since that very day. She has put in much work since then to control her mind and calm herself, and it has paid off. She rarely, if ever, loses control now. At the ripe age of twenty-two, she knows the way the of the Jedi but still continues to take advice and pointers from her Master.

     Her Master is one of the closest people to her, well as close as a Jedi can be without forming an attachment. Attachments are forbidden in the Jedi code. She would throw herself in front of a blaster for him and he would no doubt do the same for her. Their bond is like nothing else she has ever had. Little does she know she will form a bond with another Jedi and grow to love him and go against the sacred code.

     "I believe you are almost ready for the trials Corinna." Just yesterday her Master had told her this so casually she almost missed it had she not been paying attention. They were walking side by side down one of the many hallways in the Jedi Temple, when she abruptly stopped after processing his words. She tried to suppress her excitement at the statement but it was hard.

     "You really think so?" She asked carefully, scared he might have been joking with her.

     Kit turned around to face her and smiled down on his padawan, she had come a long way from the insecure youngling she used to be. His padawan never gave up, no matter how many time she lost control, or how many times she lost a saber duel. She persevered through her struggles and gave it her all. If at all possible, he was more proud of her for it.

     "Of course Corinna, you are strong, careful, and rational and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small girl and you have shown me that you do not give up no matter how hard things get. You have the heart of a Jedi my young padawan and I have no doubt that you will be a great one." He spoke eloquently with no sign of hesitance. He meant every word he was telling his padawan and in her eyes he could see the growing happiness at his words.

     Gaining control of her glee, she composed her posture, clasping her hands behind her back and continued walked beside him, "Thank you Master, that means a lot coming from you." She smiled up at him hoping to convey how much she appreciated his words. Kit Fisto caught on to her excitement and laughed, "You are very welcome little one." 

     Corinna smiled at the memory and opened her eyes. The door to the meditation room slid open with a hushed noise only noticeable if one  were really paying attention. Corinna knew who it was juts by his force signature, stood and turned to be greeted with the face of her Master. His once stoic look turned into a small smile as he looked onto his padawan with pride. 

     "I hope I wasn't interrupting your meditation Corinna." His calm voice spoke. 

     "No, I was already done when I sensed your presence at the door." She smiled at the Nautolan before her. He was like a father figure to the young girl and she could not imagine life without him around. 

     "Come my young padawan, the High Council has summoned us." He held out his arm to guide her out of the room. "Is it a mission Master? I love the Temple but I feel some fresh air would do me some good." Corinna loved the Temple and all her friends there but she has not been on a mission for a while. The Temple was starting to make her go stir crazy. 

     "I guess we will find out when we get there little one." Kit smiled at his padawan's words, also hoping to get some fresh air as well. 

     Turns out it was a mission, she rejoiced at Master Windu's words when he said they would be traveling to the planet of Naboo to discuss negotiations with the Trade Federation per the Chancellor's request. They seemed to have formed a blockade of federation ships stopping all trade from reaching the wondrous planet. She was getting out of the temple, even if it is only for a little while and that made her happy. Corinna was even more excited to hear that Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Master Qui-Gon Jinn would be accompanying them to the planet. 

     Corinna has not seen Obi-Wan since their classes together at the Academy. She missed him so with his auburn hair and snarky attitude. He always managed to put a smile on her face and seemed made her forget about her issues with losing control. If anyone could cheer her up it was her Master and Obi-Wan. 

     They would be leaving in the early hours of the morning tomorrow and her Master requested that she get well rested for what ever the federation would pull. Corinna walked back to her small room with a wide smile on her face as the thought of Obi-Wan crossed her mind. 


hey, how y'all doing (total tik tok reference) so ummmm welcome to the prologue, um I had this up for a while with no updates and last night at like 2 am im like holy shit I should restart my whole Star Wars fic so here I am. :))))))) I am improving my writing step by step and I hope I can make this story into what I want it to be, I have what I want to write in my head and its hard translating it into words but Im getting there so please don't heckle me lol. I'll get better, I know it. anyway the first chapter is in the works and im trying not to make them short by adding descriptive words n such. thanks for reading and I hope you like it!!! 

okay I added more, I just think I left y'all  hanging a little and I didn't want to start PTM yet so I added more monologue for my baby corinna sorry about that 

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