Nothing is as it Seems

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When we get out of the forest, nobody says anything. Sarah won't even look at me and I know she's still angry that I decided not to kick Cassie out of the squad; Zach is looking relieved and gives me a discreet grin and nod to show his thanks, while Bishop is just sitting in the grass and waiting patiently. The only sounds are distant shouts and laughter from other students enjoying their free-time, the flutter of birds flying low overhead, and Bishop yawning. Drew gives me a quick look-over, and after he's satisfied that I'm healthy he walks off to sit with Bishop. We stay there for about twenty minutes until we hear footsteps coming from the forest and see Lydia walking side by side with Cassie.

Lydia's facial expression suggests that nothing out of the ordinary has happened but the same can't be said for Cassie. Most of her face is covered in blood and she's holding her nose, which looks broken. Drew immediately rushes over and opens up his bright orange fanny pack, which he keeps filled with first-aid supplies.

Cassie walks past him and continues until she's a couple feet from me before saying as clearly as she can, "I'm sorry for what I did and you don't have to worry about it ever happening it again. You welcomed me into the team with open arms and I'll never be able to repay you for everything you've done for me. I want to be a part of this squad so I'll act like it." Without waiting for a reply she salutes me with the hand not holding her nose and walks off towards to the infirmary.

I try my best to keep my surprise from showing but I can't help but look at Lydia and wonder what she said to Cassie to make cause this massive change. Lydia just looks me in the eyes and nods then starts talking with the others about the homework Ms. Deja gave us for tonight. I walk over to her so I can ask about what happened in the clearing but the academy's exterior PA system comes on and announces that we have ten minutes until class starts.

I stop walking and lift up my arm so I can read the next thing on my schedule, 10:10 A.M: SQUAD LEADER- LEADERSHIP TRAINING, SQUAD- WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, I put my arm down and look up to see everyone looking at me so I suppress my feelings for a moment.

"You all saw the schedule, go find out what berries are safe to snack on after a job well done. I'll see you all in the mess hall," I tell them. "And Lydia," I add with a lingering look, "I expect a full report on the events in the clearing when we're all back together."

She gives me a hesitant nod then turns away and jogs to catch up with the others.

Shaking my head slowly, and fully knowing that whatever Lydia tells me won't be the entire truth (if any of the actual truth at all), I turn and walk towards the wing of the academy that holds the meeting rooms where my personal instructor will be waiting for me. I hate being away from the others for any period of time but it's important that I go to these weekly lessons, where I learn how to handle situations with tough decisions and how to be the most effective squad leader I can.

I make my way to the small, windowless office my sessions always begin in and find my personal instructor, John, sitting behind his sturdy snakewood desk. Seeing me enter, he smiles and gestures for me to come in.

"Good to see you Aaron. Please, take a seat if you'd like, but I know you prefer to stand," he says as we shake hands and I find myself in front the simple armchair that faces his desk. "How are you doing? I understand that you've had quite an eventful day."

I'm unsurprised that John has already heard about the incident with Cassie. It is his job after all to keep track of everything that goes on with me and my squad so he can evaluate my effectiveness as squad leader.

"Administration likes to keep me on my toes, but I'm doing well," I answer. "We've handled everything for now. I just need some time to make sure everyone handles these changes well so we can be the same family we've always been, just stronger now."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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