✔Robin IIV X Reader Part II✔

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It's been 3 weeks since Damian and (Y/N) met and they haven't really got a chance to talk. Damian really wants to talk (Y/N) but when he heard about what happened in her past, he felt that it was best to keep his distance. But one day, he felt confident to talk to her.


"Who is it??"

"It's me, Robin." He said as the door was opened to reveal (Y/N) in a large t shirt and black leggings.

"Hey, how can I help you??"

"Kori told me to check on you. She said you don't really talk to people much. Just wanted me to find out what's wrong." He said as (Y/N) lowered her gaze.

"I'll tell you but promise me to not tell anyone else but Kori, Jaime, Raven, and Garfield." She said as he nodded and they both walked into her room.

"So, why are you so distant??" He asked even though he knew why.

"I was born into a family where they were abused as kids. My mom and dad were abused since they were 5 and were still abused all the way up to their 20s. My sister was abused since she was 8 and she's 18 now. She doesn't abuse me but she really wanted to get me out of that house. But she was afraid to get hurt again by my parents." She said as she sat on her bed.

"Why didn't you just leave??" Damian asked as she looked at him.

"I wanted to, but something told me to stay. I don't know. But when Nightwing saved me one night and took me home. I told him and I guess, he informed Batman. The next day, Wonder Woman, posing as Bruce Wayne's assistant, told my parents that Bruce Wayne wanted to spend the week with me because he found out about my intelligence and my talents. So I went to his house, and I started to grow close to him, like father daughter. He then trained me into what I am today. But I haven't spoken to my parents for 9 months." She added as Damian felt bad for her. She's been through a lot and it must have been hard to be in an abusive family.

"Well, thanks for listening, Robin. I really hope we can be friends." She said as Damian looked at her with a smile.

"Call me Damian." He said as (Y/N) smiled and nodded. Then she did something her wasn't expecting. (Y/N) (Y/L) hugged Damian Wayne. He hesitated at first but the hugged back.

"No problem. If you need anyone to talk to, just talk to me or anyone else." He said as (Y/N) nodded before Damian walked out of her room and toward his room.

Requested by wonder123456789

Hope you like it!!😀😀

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