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Name: Ronnie
Nicknames: Ron, Ro, RoRo, R
Gender: male
Age: Looks around 20
Breed: Angel-demon crossbreed (more angel than demon)
Personality: acts very gay, silly, can't trust many people, happy, kind, emotional, prideful, clumsy, messy, a good wierd
Sexsuality: Gay
Likes: boys, music, animals, flying, pulling harmless pranks, challenging humans, his boyfriend
Hates: homophobes, severel demons, hell, his fake parents, bullies, his demon side
Strengths: wings, tale, claws, his hope
Weaknesses: people he loves, his small amount of trust, his anger
Main Friends: Ava, Destiny, Didi, Jackson, Austin, Matt
Lover/Boyfriend: Jackson
Instruments: fluet, piccolo, snear drums
7th Deadly Sin: Pride
Ethnicity: Scottish (has a bit of a Scottish accent)
Self Quote: "If you got it Flaunt it!"
Strength - 6/10
Book Smarts- 3/10
Street Smarts- 4/10
Speed- 5/10
Looks- 4/10
Agility: 1/10
Quick thought process: 3/10
Stanima: 6/10
Luck: 4/10
Social Skills: 5/10
All Together- 40/100

Summary Backstory:
In heaven once Ronnie's parents where killed for living each other at a young age Ronnie was givin holographic parents to raise him. He was raised to be a soldier in the angel's army. At the age 13 it was revealed to him his true past which made him made but work harder. He fought hard and, though he was doubted a lot, he became one of the youngest strongest angel soldiers. He came out at age 15 and was made fun  of for being gay. He knew all his friends at a young age expecially Jackson. He and Jackson got very close over the year and at age 16 Jackson cam out and confessed to Ronnie who is now his boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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