Chapter 1:The Realm

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Alex has training in the belconye when a large bang happend in the kitchen"The fudge was that?"Alex asked herself. She stopped punching the punch bag that she was punching, took off her punching glooves and started walkng towords the kitchen. Alex opened the door finding a pot of soup and Lloyd cleaning it up. Alex coughed to get Lloyds attention"what happened here?"asked Alex leaning on the door"Oh hi Alex, just making dinner"said Lloyd smiling"Need some help cooking dinner?"asked Alex"N-No need I'm fine"said Lloyd lifting the pot off the ground"do you even know how to cook?"asked Alex smartliy"no"Lloyd matterd. Alex sighed"I'll help," Alex suddenly created two shadows to clean up the rest of the mess"only because I'm getting really hungry."

After a couple of minutes dinner was ready. Everyone was sitting at the table waiting. Lloyd came out with bolls of soup and handed it to everyone"smells nice Lloyd. You did it your self?"asked Zane"oh, uh Alex helped alittle bit but everything else was me"explained Lloyd proudly. Alex walked out of the kitchen into in dinner room where everyone else was"so you helped"said Kai"yes, why do you ask?"asked Alex"I just, never seen you cook"Kai explained"like, you never cook." Alex looked at Kai"I hide some of my abilities till when they are needed." Jay slurped up a bit of the soup"well, its better than Coles stew"giggled Jay"yeah, HEY!!"shouted Cole. Everyone started laughing.

Suddenly another large bang happens, but this time it was outside"what was that?"asked Nya"I don't know but we should probably go check it out" said Kai slipping on his ninja mask. Everyone walked outside finding nothing"that's weird"said Cole, a portal suddenly appeared in front of them"ok? Uh are we supposed to jump in or?"said Alex"no We must find you created this portal and stop them just in case this can be dangerous"said Sensei wu"ok and how are we supposed to do that?"asked Jay. Alex moved forward towards the black portal"I've got a bad feeling about this portal, it reminds me of something, but what?"thought Alex"well I'm not just gonna stand here, see you guys on the other side"said Cole jumping in the portal"me too"said Jay jumping in. Everyone except Alex jumped in"are you coming Sensei?"asked Alex"no no, you go on ahead, me and mosaco is mostly needed here"explained Sensei wu"ok them"said Alex"I still got a bad feeling about this, oh well." Alex jumped in...

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