- chapter 1 -

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POV: Sofianna/ Sof

I woke up to the sound of a trolley moving outside of my motel door and I groaned, slowly getting up. I let out a yawn, stretched my arms in the process and then stood up. I made my way to the bathroom, turned on the shower and got in. I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner then I just stood there facing the water letting my thoughts sink in with the rest of the warm water, that was drenching my body. 'Another day of no luck' I thought to myself and I quickly turned off the water and I dried myself with the towel. I changed into my undergarments, faded light blue jeans, a grey shirt and a black and blue flannel.

I packed up my bag, stuffing my blades and guns in the secret compartments and my books in my backpack. I carried my jean jacket and walked out the door, towards the bus stop. I got in and gave the driver a friendly smile, which he returned. I sat in the back of bus, dropping my bags beside me and sat by the window. I took out my journal from my backpack and I opened the first page. Carefully, slipping out the picture of my parents, their names were slightly faded on the back of the photo, "John and Mary Winchester" I also have 2 brothers, Sam and Dean but they probably have normal lives and not a messed up one like mine. I never met them but the head of the orphanage gave me a picture of them because she was friends with them. I sighed and slipped back in the journal and I looked out the window.

2 hours passed and I have arrived in my stop and I made my way to the closest motel once again. I checked in and dropped my bags in the room then I grabbed my journal, wallet, phone and I grabbed my gun and slipped it in the back of my jeans then proceeded to cover it with my flannel. Before I left my room, I slipped my blade in my boots and I soon left the room and walked towards a pub. I walked in and I took off my flannel and let it hang on my arm. I looked for an empty seat at the bar and to my surprise it was mostly empty so I sighed in relief and I sat down. The bartender walked over and asked, "So what would you like honey?" and I rolled my eyes slightly at his nickname and I smiled and said "Just a beer please." He nodded and left to get me a beer and was back in a few minutes. I thanked him and I opened the beer and took a sip.

I opened up my journal and I looked at the address written across my most recent page. "Are they going to remember me?" I mumbled to myself and I shook my head and took another swig of my beer. I was gonna look for my parents and 2 brothers, one twin brother actually but I don't think they'll remember me. We could have been a happy family of 5 but no my parents decided to keep my brother not me. 30 minutes pass of me reading my previous entries and I smile at my spelling errors but the notes that I have taken aren't a funny story.

My thoughts were interrupted by the pub door opening to reveal 2 guys that walk in, bickering with each other. They sit by me and I eavesdrop on their conversation because they are quite loud.

"Sammy we can't go back okay!" said the shorter one but the taller one responded with "Dad said something about a big regret from the day I was born but he never said what, is there something you aren't telling me?" I turned my head to look at the men, one had bright green eyes and a brown jacket on whilst the other had slightly curly brown hair and a flannel on. The taller one caught me looking and I quickly turned around whilst turning bright red. They became really quiet afterwards and I face palmed because they probably realized I was listening.

As I stood up to go the bathroom I dropped my journal and phone in the process. I closed my eyes tightly at my clumsiness but then I quickly bent down to pick up my things. I looked down and only saw my phone and I realized my journal slipped to wear the 2 guys were. I mentally face palmed and I slowly walked over then I realized that the taller one had already retrieved my book. He was holding it oddly so the picture of my parents slipped out and he also bent down to pick it up.

Forgotten WinchesterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon