Hello Missus Hyde

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Alone but not, I hear things around me

Monsters in my head,

But I have learned to control her

Please forgive me if she doesn’t care,

Monsters have opinions too

She cares for no one but herself

You see, she’s the opposite of me

Oh what shall I do?

Her thoughts surround me

Sometimes they drown me

I see her memories and they’re coated in blood

Oh what shall I do?

Oh what shall I do?

She kills for fun, loves to torture you

Yeah she’d love to torture you

She’ll tear you apart, first chance she gets

So I suggest, (don’t watch your back)

Keep to yourself (‘cause I’m already here)

Don’t get to close (she’ll tare you apart)

Good luck and don’t forget to run

Run Run Run but you can’t run fast enough

Your sense leaves you with the wind

But without it, what is left?

My monster has no conscience, no emotion

She’s got an addiction to blood and an attraction to fear

Maybe, just maybe

You might wedge yourself in her heart

And maybe, just maybe,

She’ll make you think so,

So she can rip you apart

She’ll have fun burning your dreams

And your humanity along with them, sweetheart

Oh what shall I do?

Her thoughts surround me

Sometimes they drown me

I see her memories and they’re coated in blood

Oh what shall I do?

Oh what shall I do?

She kills for fun, loves to torture you

Yeah she’d love to torture you

She’ll tear you apart, first chance she gets

So I suggest, (don’t watch your back)

Keep to yourself (‘cause I’m already here)

Don’t get to close (she’ll tare you apart)

Good luck and don’t forget to run

I’m Ms. Jekyll and she’s Missus Hyde

Run run run for your life

Missus Hyde will get you

Oh she’ll get you good ha ha ha

Worse than a bitch on wheels

Worse than a king cobra

Her poison will fill your veins, (oh so slowly)

All you’ll see is her (everywhere you look)

You’ll be consumed, begging for more (ha ha ha)

And that’s when she’ll drop you (10 feet off a building)

OH, what shall you do?

Oh what shall I do?

Her thoughts surround me

Sometimes they drown me

I see her memories and they’re coated in blood

Oh what shall I do?

Oh what shall I do?

She kills for fun, loves to torture you

Yeah she’d love to torture you

She’ll tear you apart, first chance she gets

So I suggest, (don’t watch your back)

Keep to yourself (‘cause I’m already here)

Don’t get to close (she’ll tare you apart)

Good luck and don’t forget to run

Oh what shall you do,

When she comes for you?

Cause you know you want her too

Ha ha ha ha

What shall you do,

When Missus Hyde comes for you?

Haha Good luck (and don’t forget to run)

Hello Missus HydeWhere stories live. Discover now