Tingling Love

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Ring!....Ring!....my time-piece rang. "Oh! God" , I cried out and slammed my chronometer. I was chilled to the marrow., it was a bitter cold weather outside. However there was school , and I rememember that I had promised Riya to go to school early and help her to finish her project. After, thinking about what I had to cope for the day. I drifted back to sleep.........

....." Shey Je Boshe Ase.....", I was enjoying hearing the song in my dreams but it was the time I realised that it was my blower's ringtone. I jumped up from the bed. I seriously did. It was Riya on the line.

She sounded flurried, she wanted to see me immediately. I knew the reason: i was late ; it was five to seven and my school starts at seven.. I had promised her to come early but.... ""Oh! Man!"". I slipped on my t-shirt and dashed off.

She was ready sitting on the front bench ; well, not to welcome me but to strike me with her shrill voice and raving anger ; I guessed....

But my fear was not realised. I took a sigh of relieve. Adrenaline rushed through my weak veins as I ventured to ask her that did she complete her project. She was all silent and after a full five minutes... In there my surrounding stood still as she looked up at me ; she looked so sad. Her lucid gorgeous eyes had a shine making me fell that she had cried. She spoke "Do u care for me?" I didnt have the nerve to answer her I just went out through the door, leaving her alone.

After a while I got to know that Mrs. Timi had yelled Riya as she did not submit her task on due time ; Mrs. Timi had criticised her infront of the class. After hearing that i felt lie a crap! I did not further waste any time and ran to her, full of pity.

She was making her way towards the exit, I ran after her and laid my hands on her shoulder. " i am sorry, I was rude" , " I am sorry for everything ". She nodded but did not reply; she looked really depressed. " Ok... I...do.....care", I shouted. She turned towards me and threw herself into my arms as tears trickled down her face.Time, the constant tick tock suddenly went numb as I just held her close as a warm tingling sensation filled my entire being......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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