Chapter 1: "Coffee?"

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-Aubrey and Chloe are in the Bella house-

Chloe looks at her phone and sighs. She frantically types a message before groaning and backspacing every single letter till there is no trace of the sentence ever being written. Chloe taps her phone on her lips, something she does when she is trying to think, then grins and types again. This time the message stays there a second longer before she violently deletes it which brings another groan to escape her mouth.

Just then Aubrey walks into their bedroom and sees Chloe laying stomach down on the bed. The tall blonde takes her headphones out and switches off her music which is blaring from her IPod. "Hey pumpkin, what's up?" Aubrey knows that she hates this nickname but considering the colour of her hair and the fact that she once heard Chloe's dad say it to her she's never passed up an opportunity, yet, to not give Chloe a chance to cringe away from it.

Chloe takes a pillow from her bed, one of about seven, and throws it straight at Aubrey's face. "Bree, you know I hate that nickname!" She wines at her.

"Yes, and you know you tell me that every time I use it, right?" Aubrey throws the pillow back at Chloe which hits her squarely on the back of her head.

"Ow!" Chloe grasps the pillow in her right hand and is about to launch it back at her best friend when she hears Aubrey yelling surrender and they both start laughing. Aubrey slips her trainers off and jumps onto Chloe's bed placing herself stomach down next to the bubbly ginger.

"So, are you going to tell me what's up or am I going to have to ring up your dad and tell him how much his only pumpkin loves him?" A 'evil' glint crosses Aubrey's eyes as Chloe just stares at her, blankly.

"It's nothing, really." Chloe shifts uncomfortably and rearranges the three pillows she is laying on.

"Come on Chlo, you know I'm not stupid. Also, I heard you groaning and moaning when I came in, even with my music at full volume. So, what's up?" Aubrey gives Chloe her award-winning smile and they both sit up on the bed. Chloe pulls her legs close to her chest and rests her head on her knees. Aubrey then leans her head onto Chloe's shoulder.

"Okay, if I tell you promise not to freak. I mean no one else knows and I don't even know what it is and it's actually really stupid when I think about it-"

"Chloe, spill!" Aubrey cut her off before she could go off into a never-ending tangent.

"Okay-" She sighs and continues, "Ya see the thing is, Bree..." She hesitates. "The thing I have to tell you is..."

"Chloe, for serious if you don't tell me right now I'm going to tell Beca how much you love her!" Aubrey covered her mouth but the words have already been realised into the open. She closes her eyes, worried that the ginger would attack her. She stayed like this for a few seconds before she risked opening one eye to look at Chloe.

Chloe was sat staring at Aubrey with her mouth gaping open. "Ya know if you sit like that for long enough it'll stay that way." The blonde chuckled, trying to diffuse some of the tension of her previous comment.

"How? How? How?" Was all Chloe could muster, she'd gone into a freak out loop.

"Oh, come on Chlo, isn't it obvious? I mean, I thought I noticed something when you first saw her at the Bella stand. Then when she auditioned and I saw how bright your eyes were and how bubbly you seemed after, I mean even more than usual, I just knew it. I told you I'm not stupid." She smirked at her best friend who still had her mouth wide open.

Chloe eventually closed her mouth and covered her hands over her face. "Bree, I don't know what to do. I've been sat here for the past hour trying to text her but everything I say comes across as weird or crazy or crazy-weird. Help me!" She removed her hands off her face and looked innocently up to her friend.

"Why don't you just ask her to come here for coffee?" Aubrey said matter-of-factly, as if it was the most obvious solution known to man, before getting up off the bed and going into the closet to change out of her running gear.

"Invite her here? As in Beca Mitchell comes to the Bella house." Chloe sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the closed closet door.

"Yeah, that's kinda what I meant when I said invite her here for coffee." A laugh was heard from the other side.

"Are you insane, Bree? That wouldn't work, I mean she'd probably too busy studying or at the radio station or doing her music. She won't want to meet me." Her head was back in her hands, which meant the ginger didn't notice Aubrey coming out of the closet grabbing her phone off the bed and punching in a short text message to Beca.

"There, done!" She held Chloe's phone in her hand but waved it towards her.

"What? No! Bree, what did you say? Oh my god, she going to hate me. She's going to leave the Bella's; this is all your fault. I had everything under control!"

"Yeah, I could see that." She laughed and carried on holding her phone, waiting for Chloe to take it.

Suddenly a ping was heard from the phone, sending both girls to a stand-still. Chloe took her phone but then decided against it and turned away. "I can't look at it, you tell me what she said. Unless it's a rejection. I don't wanna know otherwise."

Aubrey sighed and took the phone off Chloe, for the second time, and smiled. "She said she doesn't even know who this is and when she finds out she's going to pound them to the ground."

The colour from Chloe's face drained. "What? She knows it's me, right? All the Bella's exchanged numbers last week, how? How? How?" The freak out loop was appearing again but Chloe stopped when she heard Aubrey laughing.

"Calm down Chlo, I'm only messing. She said sure, she'd love to. Just give her 10 minutes to make herself look less of a mess than what she already does and she'll be over. Here, look if you don't believe me." Aubrey tossed the phone into her lap.

Chloe's eyes lit up and the colour returned when she saw that Aubrey was telling the truth. A squeal emitted out of the ginger. The squeal sounded like a kettle, or a train whistle or probably a kettle on a train. "Wait, what am I gonna do now? Aubrey! What, are we gonna do?"

"Well, I don't know about you Chlo, but coffee might be a good start considering that's what you, or rather me, invited her up here for." She laughed again and pulled out her pony tail so her blonde ringlets fell around her shoulder.

"Yeah, sure, coffee. I can do that." She gulped. "I think."

With that said the girls made their way down the stairs and into the Bella kitchen. Chloe couldn't concentrate so Aubrey made the coffee. Chloe's ears were intent on listening out for the doorbell or a knock that would signal Beca had arrived. The butterflies in her stomach were flying around her whole body now. She was fussing with her hair and drumming her fingers on the counter top. Waiting. Nervous yet excited but waiting.

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