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WARNING- This book is a very long rant. If you're easily butthurt and find the content in this book offensive, you probably have your nose stuck in a cliché right now. This book contains strong mature language. This book is based in America and I follow British English so please overlook any errors.With that, let the games begin.

The Good Girl

I woke up to the alarm clock blaring right next to my ear because that's the best way to wake up every morning in a teen fiction novel- slash that, its the ONLY way. My name is Chastity Evans and I swear I'm a virgin if my name doesn't imply it already. You can also call me Blaire, Claire, Charlotte or any of the good girl names you want. Wait. Did I just reveal that I'm a good girl, like the title of this novel and my name didn't say it all? I'm so sorry for ruining the plot for you! But of course, I'm going to continue telling my story because I'm a revolutionary character just like the many million good girls before me and I promise that I will surprise you but telling you a story you've never heard before.

Today is my first day in my senior year at my new high school because my parents thought it fit to uproot me from my inexistent social life so that I can bump into the Bad Boy of the school and fall in love with him (and obviously he with me) and live happily ever after. Ugh! Look at me disclosing the ending you had NO clue about! Clearly, I cant keep a secret.

"I HATE MORNINGS!" I scream into the pillow. *Insert quote about how horrible Mondays are like why do you want to ruin the end of my perfectly unsatisfactory weekend when I watched the Notebook on loop because that's the only movie I have heard of while devouring the largest tub of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream (apparently that's the only flavor they have)* Oh look, I'm late for my first day of school so I can rush to the guidance counselor's office and bump into extremely hot British guy who can help me find it by pointing right behind me! Since I don't have all the time in the world I spend twenty minutes in front of the mirror looking at my ogre like reflection and figure like why do I have to look like that ugly hag Nina Dobrev?! How did my blue eyed blonde haired parents with a perfect relationship and cute love story conceive such an abominable creature, with brown eyes and brown hair? Why could I not be blessed with stunning Aryan looks?

I decide to wear the ugliest outfit I own so that I don't get noticed in school because I want to focus on my education and having a social life could look really bad on my bio when I apply for Yale. I pull on my ugly pink rib-knit sweater from H&M's latest autumn collection and my 100 dollars worth distressed blue jeans which I know will make me look sooooo ugly. I put on a dash of mascara and my signature cherry lip gloss. I also spray my orgasm evoking, flowery perfume to repel anyone who comes close. When I check my reflection in the mirror I just know that no one will notice me in this overpriced sneaky ninja outfit.

I take two steps at a time 'cause I know I'm late and enter my perfect kitchen with my perfect parent sitting across each, looking into each others' eyes with an emotion I can only identify as love. I hope to fall in love one day, hopefully with the next hottie that hits on me.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I yell before running out of the door. I rush into my battered yellow beetle which I bought by working as a waitress over three summers(to prove that I'm financially independent besides, old cars are so hip.) I turn the key to start the engine but it just wont start. Darn it! I hope some hot guy will be lurking around and will offer to take me to school. But look! Just like a knight in shining armor I see a boy in a black leather jacket with his hands in the pockets of his black jeans so ripped they are falling off, walking towards me. I just know when I see his mesmerizing grey eyes that he's the one for me and no one else. But I also know that he's a bad boy and that I should stay away. He knocks on my window and I open the door knowing that he is not a random rapist, murderer or thief because when I look into his incessant grey orbs I feel like I can trust him with my life.

"Hi, my name is Ryder Grey and I'm a walking talking innuendo. Ryder Grey, geddit?" he laughed. I had no idea what he said because I was just staring at his lips. And I don't speak neighborhood fuckboi.

"Ch-Chastity," I stuttered feeling self conscious in his godlike presence.

"Well, Chastity, I think you're smokin' and I wanna bang you but I know the readers want some stereotypical alpha male bullshit 'cause it turns 'em on so instead I'll gruffly say, 'You're mine now'".

"What, no! The fake feminist in me wont allow that until you come uncomfortably close to me and whisper in your deep, husky voice something like, 'Even when I do this?' or, 'You don't have a choice, you're my maid now,' so that my knees get weakened" I yelled.

Ryder looks really angry because he's the leader of the Tacky Fuckbois with Drugs and Guns gang (don't ask how I know) and isn't used to being said no to. He places his hands on my waist and pulls me out of the car, throwing me over his shoulder and I start screaming and punching his broad back until I see his tight ass and shut up. Damn! I whistled to myself, maybe being his maid for free and being manhandled, disrespected and mistreated wont be that bad. He stops in front of a motorbike which I just knew I wouldn't ride on cause I'm a good girl and in the Good Girl DIY for Dummies clearly states that when asked to ride a geared two wheeler (especially when by a bad boy), a good girl should complain and scream and create a scene about road safety until the bad boy decides to disregard his safety completely and put his helmet on her head.

Ryder places the helmet on my head and we hop onto the bike before zooming off towards school. I scream; partly because I'm clinging to this hot male and am getting to feel him up and partly because the bike is so fast like this is the most interesting thing I've done in my life. Its made me realize that I should stick with this delinquent slut so that I can learn how to live my life through socializing in  American high school parties- the ultimate destination for the lonely, sad and hypersexual.

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