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There you were, sitting by the window, staring at the night sky. You were an orphan along with your twin sister, Yuuki. You're parents got killed in a car accident and as each day passed by, you were losing more and more hope of getting accepted into a family. You were 14 years old. Who would want to adopt a stubborn teenager like yourself? At least, that's what you thought...

One fateful day, everything changed. You were listening to music in bed when you heard giggling and squealing and a couple of murmurs coming from the floor under you. You get down the bed and stairs to get a little peek at what was going on. Everybody was surrounding a certain area, so you couldn't really see. You tried to get closer, hiding yourself and finally saw what was going on.

There was a boy who looked around your age, talking to everybody and showing off. He had dark brown hair, striking blue eyes and a genuine smile. You assumed he was rich just by looking at him and for some reason got annoyed by the fact that he was getting all the attention, so you decided to go back upstairs.

You were about to open the door that led to your room when somebody suddenly took your arm and started running.

"Come with me!" the person exclaimed. It was a boy's voice. You weren't alarmed by the fact that someone was dragging you around since many boys in the orphanage would always try to find ways to freak you out in every way they could think of.

You tried to look at the person you were running with, but to no avail. All you could see was their back. You were sure of 3 things: It was a boy, he had black hair and he wasn't a regular boy who would drag you around the orphanage. He wasn't from there and wore pretty decent clothes like the boy that was showing off earlier. Abruptly, he dragged you into a closet.

"What are you- hm!" you were cut off by him covering your mouth. Once you calmed down, he slowly removed his hand. There was a little bit of light coming from a crack shining on him. You finally got to see his face: he was a handsome young boy and whose red orbs who were looking straight at you.

"Stay quiet. I don't want to get caught by that creepy lady," he said. You giggled at his statement, he was talking about the owner of this building who would visit once a week, but instantly went back to serious.

"Yeah... That totally explains why you dragged me with you." you said sarcastically.

"Sorry about that. Just please show me the way out and I'll do something to thank you afterwards." he sighed. You thought about it and wondered what he would do in order to thank you. Give you money? He's clearly rich. Your thoughts were cut off by his voice: "So, waddya say?"

"Fine... But make sure I get a pretty decent prize for doing so," you growled. You slowly got out of your hiding spot and checked your surroundings, him doing same. You then headed to the front door, but before you could even go back to your room or ask for your reward, he took your hand yet again and dragged you outside.

"Ugh... What now?" you groaned in annoyance. You were pretty used to this kind of thing, but hated it no matter what. Then, you spotted a limousine not very far from you to which the boy seemed to be dragging you towards.

"Your prize. I promise you won't regret it," he responded as you both got closer to the car. He then opened the driver's door and there stood a man sitting in a butler's outfit.

"Hello master. I you sure took your time in there. Your brother is already in the back, speaking to a lovely young lady." the man said. The boy went stepped in the car, leaving you there, dumbfounded. "Miss, please get inside." the man said once again.

"Why in the world would I get into a car with a bunch of strangers?!"

"Y/n?" you froze as you heard that voice. It was the one of your sister.

"Yuuki? What in the world are you doing in there?" you asked, quite shocked.

The black-haired boy looked at you weirdly, "You really are a clueless girl, aren't you? We're adopting you, dummy. How do you know each other?"

Then, it hit you.

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