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"A year without you, can you expect anything else."

He still longed for the days past.
The days filled with your smile, your laughter, and your loving gaze.
The days where he could come home to your warm embrace for his pounding headache and loving words for his agitated state.
The days where you'd call him a hundred times to make sure he ate and a thousand times to ask when he'd be back.
The days where Yoongi had someone in his life who loved him.

Those days were long past and now he only longed for them.

He longed for a glimpse of your smile and an inch of your touch.
He longed for the sight of you asleep in his bed after struggling to stay awake.
He longed for the three simple words of 'I love you', that he never heard again.

Now the only glimpse he got of you was when he saw you on screen giving interviews about your new movie roles. He saw your smile when you were plastered on giant billboards across the city. And he only ever heard your voice when you spoke to others, never to him. Because he wasn't apart of your life anymore.
Where he used to be the center of your world, now he was nothing to you except a bad relationship and an ex you'd rather not think about. And it drove him mad.

It angered Yoongi how quickly you could forget him.
It angered him that you could move on with your life and your career while he seemed to be stuck in this rut of endless thoughts about you.
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't the slightest bit right.
He hated it all.
And it drove him mad.

And today was especially bad because today he had caught Jungkook watching the promo for your upcoming movie.
You were smiling.
You were more than happy, and it made him burn inside.
So much so that he had snapped at the younger boy for wasting time and told him to leave if he had nothing better to do. Of course it wasn't right, and the watery eyes of the maknae confirmed that guilt. So now Yoongi had locked himself in his studio office, away from the others, furiously working. He sat at his desk, rapidly tapping his pen on the surface of his scratched up notebook, trying desperately to come up with words. But the only word he could bring to mind was your name.
He groaned in frustration, crumpling up the page and throwing it across the room to join the pile of sheets full of nothing.
Why was this so hard?
Why couldn't he write any more songs?
Why couldn't he compose?

Bang-pd's disappointed words came to his mind as he thought about the meeting they had this morning.
Apparently Yoongi was hurting the Bangtan image.
Apparently his words sound too arrogant and rude during interviews.
Apparently he sounds ungrateful and uncaring to fans.
Apparently he hasn't been producing enough music lately.
If he didn't come up with new material soon, there was going to be a problem.

Well Fuck Bang-pd.
Fuck the group.
Fuck it all!

What did they know about composing music? Yoongi had been providing them hits after hits for so many years and now that he was having the slightest bit of trouble, suddenly he was the weak link of the group? Well they can all just go-

A knock on the door broke him out of his thoughts.
"What?" He shouted. They knew better than to bother him while he was in his office.
"It's me." Came Namjoon's voice on the other side.
"What do you want?"
"I have to talk to you."
Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Well I don't have time. So leave." He spat out bitterly.
The door opened and Namjoon appeared.
"Its serious." He said as he eyed the mess that was now Yoongi's office. He walked over and took a seat on the couch facing Yoongi.
"Hyung. What's going on with you?"
"Well you stormed out of the meeting with Bang-pd this morning, that was highly disrespectful."
"I wasn't going to sit around and listen to his lecture."
"And I just found Jungkook crying." Namjoon said. Yoongi didn't reply but just looked down at his empty notebook.
"Hyung, it's been a while since you and Noona broke up and lately you've just been getting worse."
"She has nothing to do with anything. Now get the fuck out."
"You're bitter and rude and hateful to everyone. You shut us all out. If you keep this up, you'll be alone." Namjoon said in frustration.
"Sounds like my ideal world."
"Hyung what's wrong with you?" Namjoon all but shouted. "You don't care about anything anymore and it's going to cost you this group. Do you realize that?"
Yoongi only ignored Namjoon, and that just made the younger boy angrier.
"You know what. Screw it. I just came here to tell you that Bangtan's been scheduled for a talk show this Friday with a few other celebrities. Noona's one of them."
Namjoon left Yoongi alone in the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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