t w e n t y t h r e e

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Everybody are preparing themselves to go home and since tomorrow is Saturday, they become extra excited.
Suddenly Taehyung grtabs Eunj's wrist. 
"Yahh." Eunji tries to release he hand.
Taehyung drags Eunji upstarirs, still grabbing her wrist.
"People are looking. Let me go !" Eunji whisper-yelled at Taehyung. Taehyung ignores her. Eunji looks at him with fire in her eyes.
"Let me go Kim Taehyung." she tries hardly to release her hand but Taehyung is too strong.
"Ttarawa !!" Taehyung yelled and look at Eunji. Eunji could see Taehyung is relly angry. He drags her to the rooftop because the students rarely go there. Taehyung slams the door and grab Eunji's wrist tighter.
"It hurts !!" 
This time, Taehyung grabs both of Eunji's wrist. He ignores the pain at her wrist.
"Why are you like this ?" Taehyung stares into Eunji's eyes.
"What ?!"
"You're avoiding me ! You're being cold around me !"
"UGHH !" Eunji used all of her strength to release herself and it works. She rubs her wrist, not looking at Taehyung.
"Look at me Eunji."
Eunji refused. Taehyung touches Eunji's chin and force her to face him. Her eyes are wet.
"Why ?" Taehyung seems doesn't care if Eunji cry. He doesn't feel sympathy toward Eunji now.
"You said you love me but why you kissed oither girl ? Wae ? Wae ??!" Eunji yelled as her tears fall. 
"I want to explain it to you on that day but you left me ! I want, I tried to explain it to you but you avoid yourself from me ! It's hurting me Eunji, it's reallt hrting me !!"
"What about my feelings ?! Do you think I didn't feel the ache in my heart when I saw you kissed her ?!!" 
Taehyung paused. He watch Eunji's crying but he doesn't comnfort her.
"I like you Taehyung, I like you. But you kissed other girl." Eunji confessed. She puts her palms at her eyes as tears keep falling. Suddenly Taehyung grabs Eunji's hand and pulls her into his embrace.
"Wae ? Wae ?!" Eunji hits Taehyung's chest. Taehyung hugs her tightly.
"Now, listen. I'll expain it." Taehyung didn't angry anymore.
"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. I've tried to break the kiss but she forced me. And we saw you. I want to explain about what actually happened but you went home. I called you but you didn't answer. I texted you but you didn't reply." Taehyung explained everything. He pats Eunji's head who is still crying.
"Uljima." Taehyung said. He closed his eyes for a moments as he felt giulty because he made Eunji cries. Slowly, Eunji's hands move to reply Taehyung's hug. She hugs him for a moment until Taehyung releases the hug. Taehyung cups her cheeks and wipe her tears with his thumbs. Their eyes met. Taehyung leans closer to her face and their lips touched. Eunji kisses him backas she closes her eyes.

Jungkook's POV
I'm walking alone under the cloudy sky. It starts to be raining I guess. I couldn't believe what I just saw at the school and what Kei told me.

"Do you know what happened between Taehyung and Eunji ?" I asked, hoping that she knows and she would tell me. I'm tired at being sooo curious. At first, she shuts her mouth and looks at me with a smile.
I feel relieved.
"What happened ?" I asked without hesitation.
"I kissed him."
"W-what ?" I'm shook.
"I said, I kissed Taehyung. The day we discussed at the cafe.
"Why ?"
"Because I like him."
Okay, I'm seriously shock. She kissed Taehyung and she just confessed to me that she likes Taehyung.
"That's why Eunji avoids herself from him because she's jealous."
"I-I don't think so." I try to comfort my heart and laugh awkwardly.
"Why ? If she's not jealous, why would she avoid Taehyung and being cold around him ?" She said and my heart feels uneasy.
"Do you like Eunj ?" she asked and I look at her. I didn't answer her and walk back to our class. It's impossible that Eunji is jealous. I-I won't believe that. My heart can't accepts it. After the meeting ends, our history teacher comes into our class. During the class, I can't focus at all. I just stare at the whiteboard.
"Jeon Jungkook are you here ?" the teacher asked. I quickly come into my sense and look around. Everybody are looking at me. Include Eunji. I look at her and then I look at the teacher."Sorry."
"Please focus in my class."
I nod and smiles slightly.

The last bell rings. I keep my stuffs into my bag. I saw Taehyung did the same thing as me too but he did it as fast as he can.
'Why so rush-' I thought.
"Eunji !" he called Eunji who's walking out from the class. I saw Taehyung grabs Eunji's wrist. See,s like Eunji was forced to follow him. Of course I want to follow them but I don't think I should. I don't want to be nosy. I want to go back to my home. I walk downstairs. My mind is fulled with Taehyung and Eunji. The curious me has come. When I arrived at the lobby, I stopped for a moment.
"Haish." I frown with the curious me. I ruffle my hair hardly and walk back to the stairs. I walk upstairs because that is where Taehyung dragged Eunji. Probably the rooftop. One more step to the door and I open it slowly, not make any sound. I watch them secretly. I saw Eunji is crying. My heart hurts when I saw her tears. Then Taehyung hugs her. I clench my teeth and grab the door knob tightly. My heart feels deeply hurt when Taehyung kissed her. I don't want to see this shit anymore. I close the door slowly and walk downstairs with the pain in my heart.
End of flashback

I feel my cheeks are wet. I look up and it's raining heavily. I stop walking. I let my body wet in the rain. The weather today is as same as my feeling right now. Cloudy. Moody. Gloomy. The rain is cold but my cheeks are warm. Because of the tears.
End of POV

okayyyyyy im sooo sorry for the late update /bows. didnt notice that my last update was on january 2017 and now is april- im sorryyyyyyy. pls dont forget to vote and comment < 3

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