Meet Me, Jamie

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Hey, I'm Jamie Meadows. I'm 16 and in 11th Grade, but this fall I'll be a Senior! I cannot wait! I'm seventeen soon, so that should be fun! I have quite a lot of friends, but Missy and Damien are by far my bestest friends ever. We've known each other all our lives. Our mum's were on the same ward in the hospital. Weird right? Damien was born first, on the 16th March. Then me on the 17th. Missy didn't follow the trend, and was born on the 20th. But every year since the days we were born, we've had a joint party. So this year, we're going quite big, as we're 17 and our parents agreed we'd be able to have a drink. Even though Missy'll be 16, her parents have said she can too. I love Missy's parents so much! They're amazing, way better than mine. Which is why we're having the party at her house. She has a pool and stuff, so it makes sense. See, her dad works for some massive company, and they're absolutely minted. It's her, her mom, dad and older brother Braiden. The whole house is massive, and really nice. So's Damien's. Well, it's not all that big, but with just him and his mom living there, it doesn't need to be. But the roof is really easy to climb onto, and a great place to sit and talk, and just chill out. My house is a completely different story. It's quite big, but not a mansion like Missy's. It's got four bedrooms, one for my mom and dad, one for me, one for my older brother Riley, and my little sister Sasha.

"MOM!" I ran downstairs. "Have you seen my blue checked shirt?!"

"You mean Damien's blue checked shirt?" she asked.

"Details, details," I said, rolling my eyes. "Have you seen it?"

"Yes, it's in the ironing pile," she said, handing me a slice of toast.

"Thanks Mom!" I said, grabbing it on my way upstairs. I quickly showered, blow dried my hair, and combed it through, but left it in it's natural curly state. I got dressed, a white vest and the blue checked shirt, with some light blue denim shorts and my pumps. I put on some mascara, eyeliner and ligloss, then made my way outside. I ran over to my car, an Audi A4 Convertible, and jumped in. The best thing about having a dad who's a cop? He can find ways to get you a liscence. My mom helped Sasha into Riley's Landrover, so I beeped and waved as a goodbye. I pulled up outside Missy's house, and honked the horn.

"Come on Missy!" I shouted, as she opened the door. She waved goodbye to her mom, ran over and hugged me once in the car.

"What's the rush?" she asked.

"I want a coffee from McDonald's," I said.

"You and your coffee," she rolled her eyes.

"What?" I asked, and we drove off. When we got to school, I parked up, and we just sat on the front of the car, waiting for Damien and drinking our coffees. He finally strolled over, and leant against the front.

"So how are you girls?" he asked.

"Good," we replied.

"We need to talk later," I said to them both. "About the party."

"Okay," they both said.

We had to go to lessons, and they seemed to drag on forever, before it was finally time for lunch.

"Jamie," Damien said.

"Yep?" I asked.

"Is that the checked shirt I let you the 10th Grade?" he asked.

"It is," I said. "You want it back?"

"It won't fit me now will it?!" he said.

"I guess not," I shrugged.

"Eurgh, what is up with school lunches?" Missy said.

"Everything," Damien and I replied.

"So about the party," I said. "I was thinking..." Suddenly, my mind's distracted by the tall, muscular, brown-haired boy who walked into the hall. I swear, I literally stopped, and just looked at him, my heart skipping a beat.

"Hey Damien!" the boys started running over to our table, so I quickly averted my eyes.

"Oh, hey dude." Damien said, doing some weird, guy handshake with him. "Connor, these are my best mates, Jamie and Missy. Guys, this is Connor, he's new."

"Hey," Missy said. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," Connor said. "I like the red." He noted the red streaks in my jet-black hair.

"Thanks. Apparently I'm firey with a temper so I thought red would be a -" I saw the time. "Shit, I have detention with Mr Moore! I'll see you guys later!"

"Come round mine, we'll watch a movie and discuss the party!" Missy said.

"Yeah, okay," I said. "Bye!"

As I sat in detention, I couldn't stop thinking about Connor. Then I diverted my attention to what Mr Moore was actually saying.

"You need to start concentrating more on schoolwork and less on picking arguments," he said. "You won't get a good education otherwise. And without good education.."

"You'll go nowhere," I sighed, repeating the words he had told me every detention I've had with him.

I'm always in trouble. I've had a reputation as the 'bad girl' since I was in Kindergarten. And I bet you thought I was just a normal teenager.


Way, end of the first part, what did you think? Vote / Comment if you liked it! :) -Becky <3

PS: This is going in for Watty Awards 2012 so if you like it please get your friends and fans to read it and vote! Much appreciated :* :*

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