Party! Party! Oh My God!

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It was finally Saturday, otherwise known as PARTY DAY! I got all my stuff together and drove to Missy's house, not forgetting the flower, which had opened up into a daffodil. I went in, and when Damien and Connor got there, we transformed downstairs from a nice, homey-looking first floor, to party mania. Then we got all the food and stuff ready, and went upstairs to have lunch in Missy's room. Lunch was a pizza we ordered with garlic bread and coke. We were having a laugh and messing about, when we heard a voice.

"MISSY! I'M HOME! AND RILEY'S HERE!" Braiden shouted,

"WE'RE IN MISSY'S ROOM!" I shouted back, as I had the loudest voice. Loud footsteps bounded up the stairs, and the two boys came in.

"Ooh, pizza," Braiden said, picking up two slices and giving one to Riley. I picked up the daffodil and smelt it.

"Seriously J, what's up with the flower?" Damien asked.

"It smells nice," I said.

"For once your friends are right," Riley said. "You were practically gazing at it yesterday."

"Well..someone..gave it to me," I said, blushing.

"Tell me EVERYTHING!" Missy said excitedly.

"It's nothing..he just gave it to me. I don't know who it was," I shrugged, sighing deeply. I wished I did.

"Let's hope he treats you right, or some some serious ass-kicking will be in place," Riley said, fist bumping Braiden. We all laughed, and Connor's seemed nervous.

"You'll get used to them sooner or later," I nudged him.

At about six o'clock, Missy and I kicked the boys out of the room so we could get ready. I got changed into a strapless, thigh-length light pink summer dress, with my slip on strappy black heels, and did all my make-up, but left my hair curly. Missy looked amazing in her black, halter neck knee length dress and black wedge heels. Even the four boys had changed for the occasion. Riley and Braiden wore jeans and a shirt, so they looked half-smart, half-casual. Damien and Connor had put more effort in, sporting black ties with their shirts and trousers.

Soon enough, the guests started to arrive, and they arrived thick and fast. I took ages, but finally the clock showed 8:30. I practically flew up the stairs, and when I got to Missy's room, someone was stood on the balcony, looking out into the night.

"You came." they said.

"Connor!?" I asked, confused.

"Yes?" he turned around, a glint in his eye.

"Oh my God, I..I..don't know what to say." I stuttered. Damn, why did this kid make such an impact on me?! He moved closer, our bodies almost touching.

"Don't say anything," he whispered, his minty breath on my face. "Just come with me?" I nodded, and let him lead me to his car, where we drove off without another word. We parked up at some place I'd never been before, so I let him take my hand in his and lead me. We stopped outside a wall covered in ivy.

"No way.." I whispered, seeing the resemblance to the entrance of the Secret Garden.

"Way," he said, moving some Ivy out the way and opening a door. Flowers of every kind covered every corner of the garden, and just like my favourite book, a swing hung from a branch of a tall tree. I stood in the middle of it all, spinning around taking it all in, every color, every shape, every type of flower there. Connor walked over to me, and wrapped his strong hands around my waist from behind me.

"I guess you like it," he whispered, happiness apparent in his voice. I turned in his arms.

"It's amazing," I said. "Just..amazing." A tear trickled down my cheek. "I've never seen anything more beautiful and breath taking."

"I have," he said. "You." Very slowly, he leaned down, and our lips met. No doubt, there was something there. Like they say in the romance novels, about sparks, that was there. We pulled away, then went back to the party.

"So, Jamie," he said in the car, when we were back at Missy's.

"Yeah?!" I asked.

"Do you want to, I don't know, be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"I'd love to be," I smiled. He shot me back the most perfect smile, with the dimple in his cheeks showing.

Man, I fell for him. Big time.


It might seem like it, but it's Not The End! So don;t worry if you were enjoying it, there's more to come! ;D -Becky<3

The Bad GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora