you don't??

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From Author-chan: Sry it took forever to update this so yeah, I fired my editor @Shanyu101 and hired her back again. Credit to her on this book as well.

"What the heck Allura!!" Lance shouted, but Allura ignored him and left. (Swear warning) "Damn it Allura..." Keith muttered to himself. "Of all people, why you?!" Lance shouted, covering his blushing face while leaning against the wall and slowly sliding down. Keith crawled over to the Cuban and plopped himself down next to the blushing boy.

"Why?" Lance muttered into his hands. "Why what?" Keith asked, slightly puzzled. "WHY ARE YOU SO FREAKING HOT!!" Lance shouted at Keith, not realizing what he said. After a couple seconds Lance's face turned into the shade of a strawberry, his eyes the seeds. He then hugs his knees putting his face in them. Keith's face is a shade of red that could compete with his lion, not realizing he was moving as he hugged Lance and kissed his head. "I don't know, why are you so egotistical?" Keith smiled a bit as Lance gently punched his shoulder.

Le time skip brought to you by shidge~

Le time skip brought to you by shidge~

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Aren't they so cute🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sry fan-girl moment right there, now let's see what the small bean and shiro are up to shall we😏😏.

Shiro woke up to see a small Pidge fast asleep in his arms. "So cute" he mumbled. Pidge started to move around frantically sweat now forming as she flails her arms attacking Shiro. He jumped as she started attacking him, he tried to pick her up and calm her or wake her up but she ended up kicking​ him. He started freaking out a bit trying to calm her, but finally he was able to calm her and ended up waking her up too.

"Shh shh it's ok, I'm here and your safe" he whispered cooing her. "S-shi-iro" she was able to stutter out looking at him with lifeless eyes filled with fear. "Yeah, I'm here and your safe" he said sounding so happy because she hadn't​ spoken since they rescued her. Oh, how he missed her sweet voice, but it sounded less sweet and merry as he remembered.

"S-shi-iro" she stuttered out again but this time she looked at him with so much fear if this was one of the galra traps. Shiro softens his eyes at Pidge "it's ok Pidge, your safe and sound, no galra will get you ever again, I promise." She looked at him and tears started falling but she looked so emotionless. 'what have the galra done to you?' shiro asked himself, he brushed that question off and rubbed her tears with his thumb. "Let's go get you some food" he said picking​ her up and taking her to the dinning hall.

"Oh quiznack" Allura remembered leaving Keith and Lance all alone the whole time. "I need to let them out." Allura said speed walking down the hallway. She then passed Shiro and Pidge, she stopped for a sec to say hi to Pidge before getting to the training deak control room. "Sorry for leaving you 2 in the-" she cut herself off as she could not believe what she was seeing, she saw Lance and Keith both cuddling together fast asleep! "This is soooooo cute" she whispered to herself, she then went into the actual training room,(in this Allura and the others have took a picture and sent it to everyone.

Lol, ima leave the book here I'll continue soon, have a nice day or whatever​ and stay cool😃😃. Author-chan out!!

Editor's note: Hello 😄 I shall make notes from now on so I hope you enjoy this story!

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