Chapter 1

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Three weeks ago.......

His heart bounced up and down his neck . His breath was heavy . He was sweating profusely even in this cold weather . Sameer hated this part of his life . The doors swung open , and he went inside . A stern looking woman sat on a comfortable chair .

She wore spectacles and a business suit , and was holding a notepad in her hands , eyeing him like a teacher eyes a student who has done something wrong . "Please take a seat Mr. Singh ." she said, pointing towards the couch in front of her .

"Do we really have to do this ?" he asked nervously , sitting down on the couch . He hated his weekly therapy sessions . Two whole hours of talking about the same old things again and again, only to gain some "closure" . 

"Therapy will help you ease your mind Sameer . What you do for a living , isn't exactly what we would call , 'normal' . You need this . Your mind cannot take that burden , the stress you deal with everyday in your life . So please, stay calm , and start talking ." the woman said .

Sameer nodded , finally giving in . There was no use trying to use reverse psychology on a psychiatrist . "Worth a shot." he thought as he begrudgingly sat down on the couch and closed his eyes .

"Tell me Sameer . What's been going on in your life since the last time we met ?" she said . "It's only been a week doctor what are you expecting ? " he continued . "No , I haven't gotten a case , and yes I'm still having the same nightmare ." he said .

He was reliving his dream through his closed eyes while he spoke . The same old nightmare that haunted him ever since he was 14 . He never spoke of the incident which happened with him during that time . All that was known was the fact that it changed him forever . 

Sameer wanted to be a doctor when he was kid . But this incident pushed him in the direction of paranormal research . It was that unholy night that he relived every day in his nightmares . He lost both his parents and his younger sister in a mysterious house fire . The cause of the fire was never discovered , and Sameer was declared innocent due to lack of any substantial evidence against him .

"Are you ready to tell me what happened on that night Sameer?" she took off her spectacles and looked at him . "I don't know doc . It's always been hard for me to talk about it with anybody . I just don't feel safe . The same face pops up in my mind . Those savage eyes , The overturned feet , Mom , Dad , Rashmi , I can never move on from that . "

He started sobbing . Tears trickled down his cheeks . He missed them everyday . "It's okay to feel afraid Sameer . You're only human .Fear is embedded into our system ." said the doctor . "I'M NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING YOU HEAR ME!" screamed Sameer as he shot up from the couch . He hated it when he was told he was afraid . He considered it a synonym for coward .

And after everything that he had gone through , he was sure as hell anything but a coward . "Calm down Sameer . Please sit . Just tell me what happened to you that night . I really want to help you . Please sit down ." she said , calming him down . 

Sameer sat down again . he closed his eyes and , wiping his tears off his face , spoke . "Okay doc . I'll tell you . But I'm warning you , you will think I'm mad . "  "I'll be the judge of that Mr.Singh .  Now , please start from the very beginning ." she said . 

Sameer took a deep breath as he lied down on the couch . "I was 14 . I had just gotten home from school in the evening . The whole house was eerily quiet .........

[Author's Note : Hey guys ! I know this chapter is not scary at all . But it's meant to serve as a build-up for the next chapter , which will take place from Sameer's POV . Shoutout to @RimaDuta4 for her amazing ideas and inputs ! I hope you like this chapter and the ones coming your way soon . Please vote and comment as much as you can it would really mean a lot to me . You guys are amazing you guys are awesome , and you rock ! Till then take care of yourselves and as always 

Happy Reading you guys !]

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