Raven's Passion Part 3

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Raven's expression went tight, and his figure stiffened. He gave a small, controlled nod at the one who was practically his father; the man had given him his entire life, as far as Raven was concerned. Yet, there was still anger toward the red-haired brave living in his heart. The voyage to Europe had been instructive, and had allowed him to leave behind mistakes. It had also been against his will.

        However, his time away had trained his expression in addition to training his mind, and he kept a neutral expression as he looked over the other man's shoulder, “Red Panther. I return after completion of the teachings from Europe. I return after having learned much, and suffered often for being away from this land. I ask your permission to stay a while again, but will do as you ask of me wherever that may lead.”

        Panther moved directly in front of Raven now, clasping a firm grip on his near-son's shoulder, “You may stay if the Chief allows it, I have no quarrel with you, Raven Who Flies To Meet The Clouds. You have done well.” He smiled, dropping his hand down and clasping Raven's own hand in a more English form of greeting. They shared a strong handshake, “Now, we must get you unpacked and comfortable, and perhaps into some proper clothing.”

        Raven gave a small smile, releasing the handshake, “Of course, Derek will take our horses to the visitor's lodge, but I would have a word with Dancing Cloud.” He gave a glance back at Golden Dawn, “And little Funny Face, who is not so little any longer, we shall soon laugh together again.”

        Panther bid Golden Dawn to lead the trader friend to the visitor's lodge, then turned back to Raven, “Come then, let us speak to the Chief.” He smiled at New Moon, giving her a wave, “Business, I think. When we return to our place, let us have a good meal of welcome.”

        New Moon smiled back, “Do not take too long, my husband. If the food begins to cool, your daughter and I might eat it all ourselves.”

        Red Panther chuckled and then Raven followed him into Dancing Cloud's lodge.

        The Chief was already situated as they entered, gesturing to the two men so that they might take seats in the large room. He waited until both had found cane backrests to sit upon, watching with an even gaze and thoughtful quiet, “So, Raven Who Flies To Meet The Clouds. You have come back to Chota Town, and are asking to see me with a tone that suggests great importance. Your reasons for returning are not entirely your own.”

        Raven Cloud glanced at Panther, then back to the Chief, “What you say is true, I do not return only for my own longing.” He raised his hand to gesture at Red Panther, “I come bearing news of this one's old life. Fitzgerald Shipping is being threatened, and James Fitzgerald as a result.”

        Panther's eyebrows rose as he took in this new information, “Yet, you bring this up to the chief, when it sounds as if it is only a matter for me to consider. How do the evil acts of those across the sea affect the interests of the village?”

        Dancing Cloud nodded, “I agree, though I am glad to know of information relating to a cherished friend. Do you ask to take Red Panther away over the waters?”

        Raven shook his head, peering up at the ceiling as he thought, “Unfortunately, the evil has come to us. I warn the both of you now because the plot was discovered to involve mercenaries that may attack directly.”

        Panther's jaw clenched, eyes narrowing, “How did you learn of this?”

        “The head of shipping in England approached me, Douglas Snyder,” the young man stared at the ground, “I had not known they were aware of me. I suppose I should have known that your people would be tracking me.”

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