When you...

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You were in the lab with Donnie testing experiments when all of a sudden Donnie says "Are you a virgin?" you just stared at him blankly "What?" you asked "Are you?"

"Ummmm?... I asked you first!" Donnie said as you both blushed in interest "On the count of three we both say our answers,...1...2...3" "YES" they both said in unison "GASP"

"Why haven't you?" you ask Donnie as he just gives you THE look "Oh, right... the whole 'I'm a teenage mutant ninja turtle' thing" you explained "Why haven't you?" asked Donnie

"Boys don't like me very much" you said kind of sad "It's ok (y/n), I like you" Donnie said trying to comfort you "Thanks Donnie" you said as you both were leaning closer slowly

You felt his soft and tender lips touch yours as you slowly and loosely wrapped you arms around Donnie's neck, playing with his bandanna straps

You felt a quick movement of an arm touch your butt, as you opened your eyes Donnie had his eyes still closed, his face was redder than Raph's mask, You chuckled silently

After your makeout session you asked Donnie... "Ready?" "What if I lose control?" asked Donnie "I'm your girlfriend, you can lose as much control as you want" You said seductively


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