[2] • Family is Weird •

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"WHY DID YOU WANT ME?" I ask breaking the silence between us. The road was long and bumpy. Dad blasted some music and let me choose the station. "From all the other girls, you choose me, why?"

"Farielle, growing up, my parents, me and my siblings grew with foster kids, one was my best friend but she killed herself from all the depression and I knew one day I was going to adopt a girl in her memory and not let the same thing happen to her." His hands gripped onto the wheel. I leave it at that as the ride remains silence expect for the music that still played making the tension worse. Luckily, we pull into a park. We get out and the sub welcomed me like a warm smoothing blanket. I smiled.

We walk over some benches where sat an mother and her daughter whiling playing the hoops were two boys. One about my age, the other 21. The girl looked 24 being the oldest. The girl with long brown auburn hair looked our way and smiled. "Dad!" Which caused the other three to look our way. I stopped in my tracks as the boys and girls run over to greet dad.

I kind of stand off to the side, awkwardly swaying on my feet. The woman walked over with a huge smile and then kissed dad. The youngest, who had the same light as dad from when he was young. He fake gagged making me giggle. "Hello sweetheart," she smiled.

"Kids I like you to meet our newest member of the Howell family, Farielle." smiles dad. They all looked at me making me blush of the attention. I wave shyly.

"Yes a girl!" Fist bumps the oldest and only girl, her smile as bright as the sub itself. Her eyes lit up, she was so happy.

"That's a strange name," says the youngest bluntly.

The second oldest nudges him with his elbow. "Be nice, Liam," he says stern.

"It's okay I'm used to it," I say.

"She speaks," says Liam smirking.

"Yes I speak," I say a bit annoyed with him, whoa having a brother is a challenge. And he sure wasn't helping.

"Of course she can speak, Liam." Snaps his- I mean our sister. She looks at me and smiles," I'm Isabelle, but feel free to call me, Isa, Izzy, Belle, Bella, anything really."

"Okay Bells," I say with a smile.

"Oh I like it, fiesty and polite, I'm Danish Howell," the middle child holds out his hand like an old fashioned gentleman. I gladly shake his hand smiling.

"Pleasure to meet ya," I smile.

"Hi I'm Sylvie but you can call me Mom, it's good to have you in our family." She smiles hugging me making me feel warm inside. A mother to call my own. Yet this small pit inside told me, they'll take you back just like the last one. I tensed up and gulped, shakily said," it's good to be here." They didn't notice but Liam did as he eyed me funny.

"Oh she's so sweet, Tommy!" She exclaims to dad who smiled as she let go of me.

"Well let's get back to the house," says Dad, we all piled into the car. The music turned on and Johnny Boy by Twenty-one pilots came on. I started singing it, what I didn't know was that they turned on low so I was singing it alone.

"Get up Johnny Boy, cause we all need you now!"

Everyone clapped. I blushed. "You're great!" Exclaims Dad.

"Really?" I ask, playing with my selves.

"Oh yea, you know, Dad maybe you get Farielle an agent so she can take a career with her voice," says Bells smiling brightly at her idea. I blushed, me singing? Man the girls back at the ophanage will throw a fit.

"You're right Isabelle, you guys should have seen her dancing. Beautiful even Rob and Ralph would agree with me," says Dad.

"Ohhhh you gonna show us," mom smiles looking back at me. I smile nervously.

"Don't scary the poor girl," teases Dad, everyone but me laughs. Having a family is weird.... We drive back, I made conversations with Isabelle and Danish, but Liam didn't see to like me as he glared out the window and never talked to me.

"Does Liam not like me?" I ask Isabelle as he and Danish talked.

"I don't know, I think he just is jealous, he'll come around around," says Isabelle. "Don't let him bother you though, anyways you gonna tell me tomboy or girly? Or how about nerdy?"

I give her a confused look. She explains," Personality."

I make an o face. "I guess punk-is girly, I'm bit nerdy," I blush.

"That's cool, I am too. I love Dr Who and Trochwood," she says. My face lights up.

"I do too!"

This was a time of
a beautiful friendship.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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