My Stupid, Messed Up, Romantic Life

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Chapter 1     

    "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!", I screamed as I sall the world race to my face at an alarming rate. Zeek had pinned me down to the ground and had my arm bent tightly around my back. It was nine ish on a cool summer night, and Amy, my controlling half sister, Lexie, my nice fun-loving half sister, and Lizzie, both my half sisters' close friend, were sitting on the over sized wooden bench at Amy's house, giggly lightly at my failled atempt to ellbow my atacker in the gut. Zeek loosened his grip for a split second and I took my chance. I rolled to the left, bringing him down with me and spat in his face. Unfortunatly his eyes had closed from his jorny down to the hard, cold sament.

"Grooooooooooooose!", he grunted, " I think you got some up my nose!"

" Oh shut-up! You totally deserved it."

"Oh kay, Oh kay guys, don't fight." Lizzie chimed in just as I  had thoughts about tripping his feet out from under him. Lizzie shot her hand down to her tall glass of ice-cold water, and with a flick of the wrist, she sent large cubes of frosen water and cold droplets right at Zeek and I. I was soaked through! I blushed, thinking that my bra will probably show through the wet material of my blouse. I banished the thought as quickly as it had came because I had something more inportant to worry about. I glared at her and than looked at Zeek. He was smirking up to me (I'm a good inch and a half taller than him). We both knew what had to be done, revenge. I reached down and grabbed Amy's neon greeen tennis racket while he found his orange soda. We both look at Lizzie and she shot up. She darted past us and headed tawords her house. I could hear Amy and Lexie yelling for her to run and cheering her on. Zeek took off folowing her with me not far behind. She was fumbling with the door.

"Crap!", she muttered, " I locked the door before I came out." We were cornering her from her garage which, considering the fact that the front was locked, was her only way in. She was leaning up against the railing, probably debating which was better, getting smacked and drenched in sticky soda, or jumping off and plumiting tawords the dark earth. I hoped that she remembered that even though she can't see it at this time at night, there is still a pionty rose bush directly below her. Zeek gave off a evil laugh and launched his first atack. Lizzie jumped up, but I think she still got a bit wet because she shcreached in shock. That, or maybe she was surprised that he had the guts to do it. I can't blame her. She has only been here for two months and doesn't know how awfull he truelly is, yet...

I swung my arm back, meaning to glently bonk her on the head, but the racket swung out off my hand and landed in a near-by tree. My feet came up a bit, but my but didn't get the memo. i had done an unexpected spin in the air because I wanted to scare Lizzie by making a really big wind up. i was facing the tree behind us where my racket landed.  I looked at the two of them and we all cracked up. We walked back to Amy's porch, still laughing over my epic fail. Funny how if I be me, a clumsy fourteen-year-old, I can save some one from getting wacked by a racket and renched  with a sticky yellow subslence.

Amy gave the three of us a look, and then she signled Lexie to rejoin them in their conversation about  Ryan and Sean ( the two cutiest guys in schoool, to them at least). 

"So we were in the really big hall by the gyms, and he brushed his hand up against mine. But get this, there was hardly anyone else in the hall", Lexie continued with her story from before.  

"Oh great," I muttered,"here we go again." Zeek and I both snickered.

"Amy, Lexie, Emme," Amy's mom called from the house with anger,"come clean the basement!"

Amy hopped up. " Gotta go guys. My mom sounds angry."

" You think", I added, " She said to clean it before we left, but no, your stupid need to gossip made us disobay."

"Oh don't even pretend you did not want to come out too. You were more than  welcome to stay behind and clean."

"Whatever" I said and held up my hand so lexie could help me up. I really don't like Amy very much...

" Girls!" We heard again from the house. " Hurry up!"

***********************************hey guys. thanx for reading. sorry I don't have much yet, but I hope you like it so far.****************************************

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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