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Nova and her wolf above.

I walked through the high school that resided within my father's territory. Books held tightly against my chest, my heels clicking on the tilted flooring, my skirt swaying to my hips as I moved. To say I was nervous was putting it lightly. Thoughts of my mother's recent passing ran through my mind as I passed the new freshman and those that I've been in school with since freshman year.

A sharp squeal rang through the halls as my thoughts were pulled away from me. "Nova!" I turned to see who was calling my name and without a doubt there was my best friend, Aviana.

"Hey, Avi." I smiled softly as she caught up to me and hugged me. "I missed you this summer." I chirped as we began walking towards our lockers.

"I missed you too. We didn't hang out at all this summer which was a major bummer." She gave me a puppy dog face as we reached our lockers.

I sighed as I put my books away, "I'm sorry Avi. My family was called out of town for a family emergency. My mother passed away in a fire while aiding my uncle. I don't want to talk about it." I closed my locker and looked at her. She only nodded and we continued to walk to class.

"Do you want to get caught up on the latest gossip?" Avi asked while we walked. I simply nodded. "Well, Josh and Taylor got together and Brittany started spreading rumors about why you were gone all summer." She froze at the last part. "Sorry about what happened this summer I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine, just tell me what she's been saying," I mumble as we walk into class.

"That you managed to get pregnant and that's why you were gone all summer." She managed to finally spit out right as we sat down.

I just shook my head and looked towards the teacher as she began to speak. "Hello class, welcome to the first day of your senior year. First thing this morning we have two new students. Everyone, please welcome Zane and Ajex Maddox." Ms. Clark motioned to the two boys suddenly standing beside her. "Please introduce yourself boys and tell the class about yourselves."

"My name is Zane and I'm eighteen years old. I used to live here when I was younger." Zane spoke first, rubbing the back of his neck, and seemed to show signs of anxiety.

"My name is Ajex, I'm nineteen, and I'm a werewolf." The next boy spoke and everyone froze.

I just sat there frozen, unsure what to say.

Laughter erupted from the class as the boys took their seats. Only a sigh of relief could be heard. Before I knew it school was over. As I left Avi's side I was approached by the same two guys that had just been introduced into every single one of my classes. "What." My usually gentle voice was suddenly a deep growl.

"We are new, maybe you could show us around." Ajex, the one claiming to be a werewolf spoke as he stepped closer towards me.

"Yeah, no. I wouldn't be caught dead with a "werewolf." I spoke harshly as I started my car.

"Is that so? Nova Nixon." Ajex crossed his arms as he said my name.

"You know my name, big deal. Please, leave me alone before matters get worse." With those words I climbed into my car and closed the door, driving off before anything else could happen. I arrived home rather quickly and was greeted by my father.

"Welcome home love. How was school?" He asked, not even looking up from his paperwork and computer.

"It was fine. Ajex and Zane Maddox are back. Ajex announced to the entire school that he was a "werewolf". Everyone just laughed it off" I said as I began to work on my schoolwork.

"I'll deal with it hun, don't worry your pretty little head about it." He chuckled as he closed his computer. I only nodded and finished my schoolwork just in time for dinner. "You'll have to come out at some point." My father remarked as we cleared the table.

"You mean tell everyone that my father is Blake Nixon. The infamous millionaire that controls the entire New Zealand, Hawke's Bay area? Yeah, that won't cause any issues." I remarked with a snarky attitude as I began to wash dishes.

"You know that's not what I meant." He spoke, you could hear the anger rising in his voice.

"Oh, you mean telling everyone that I wouldn't be going to college? That instead of finishing my senior year I was going to drop out next month to take over the family business?" I asked, still trying to play coy.

"And?" He asked crossing his arms

"And, that I was taking over the Blood Moon Howler's pack as the first female alpha within the New Zealand area?" I grumbled not exactly being excited. I never wanted to be alpha. However, my mother never bared another pup. Making me the sole heir as soon as I turned eighteen.

I've been training my entire life to fully complete the task bestowed upon me once my mother passed. I watched my father simply nod as he finished putting the dishes away. "I know you wanted to go to college, however, your taking over as alpha is just as important. Maybe once you find your mate he/she can take over while you return to school." He reassuringly held my shoulders.

"I know papa. I promise to be as good of an alpha as you are. I'll never forget Mama's favorite words. Be nice, show compassion, and never treat others unfairly." I smiled softly as I dried my hands and turned to hug him. I felt a tear land on my hand as he held it against his heart.

"I wish your mother was still here. So, she could still help you with all of this transition." He whimpered softly, you could hear the heartache as he still mourned his mate.

"I know papa. I promise we will figure out the cause of the fire." I growled the last part. Everyone in the pack knew my mother's death wasn't an accident. Someone had lit the house on fire knowing she was inside. The scouts found a gasoline trail leading away from the house.

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