Chapter 1

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Ajex Above

The rage that filled me whenever I thought about my mother's death was unnerving. It scared even my wolf. However, as much as I wish to avenge her I couldn't do so without knowing who did it. We may have been a well-known pack for our winning within wars. However, that didn't change the fact that we were not ruthless and didn't kill anyone without reason.

I looked at my father and sighed softly. "I'm going to call it a night. Today's been stressful enough with all the rumors circulating within the school as to where I was this summer." I watched my father simply nod as I returned to my room. Mentally exhausted I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

Waking in the morning was something I usually dreaded, however, today felt like an entirely fresh start. Getting dressed I got into my car and left for school. The scent outside the school smelt off, almost with a mint and lavender scent. I brushed it off and walked into the main hall running directly into Zane and Ajex. Just great.

"Nova, how are you this fine morning?" Zane whispered not looking me in the eyes. I simply rolled mine and kept walking to find Avi. Walking around the school was tiresome as I searched for her. Why is she never in the same spot when I arrive? I stopped at my locker to change out my textbooks and put items away and that's when I heard her.

I turned just in time to receive my best friend in my arms. She was smiling down at me and patted me on the head as if greeting a pet. I simply scoffed and looked up at her, "Where have you been? You weren't waiting at the door."

She smiled softly, "I'm sorry, I was running behind today and figured you'd be at your locker after you scoured the entire school to find me." I simply nodded and fixed my hair as she released me. The scent still lingered in the air and was increasingly becoming a hindrance.

"Avi, do you smell that?" I asked looking around. She simply shook her head and began walking to class. Which only increased my irritation. I wanted to pinpoint the scent but also didn't want to. After realizing that if she couldn't smell it then it was a wolf scent, and my mates at that. The one person I wasn't even slightly interested in finding.

I walked after Avi, and our classes aligned so that we were never alone. Perks of having a father who donates more money to this school than anyone. Walking into class the scent only grew. Just great another new wolf in school that I'm going to have to watch over.

Ajex and Zane were already in the classroom sitting in their seats just silently doing their things. Walking past them I watched Ajex adjust how he was sitting and stare at Avi. I growled lowly warning him not to even think about it; he simply lowered his head in immediate submission.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully until everyone was filing out of the school building. Avi looked at me and sighed "Nova I need to talk to you about something. You're not going to like it."

"What's going on now?" I asked looking up at her as we approached my vehicle.

She climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door, I joined her. "We need to go to your house. I need to look into something if you don't mind." She mumbled under her breath. I simply nodded and drove her to my house, our pack looked like a gated community so it wouldn't throw any clues as to what we were.

However, I wasn't expecting so many wolves to come barging out of the wooded cover and surround my car. I looked at Avi as she stared out the window in fear and complete shock. She was a human after all, and we don't willingly reveal ourselves to humans. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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