Part 1

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Have you ever had people controlling everything you do in your life well I must certainly have and it is about to change.

There are the popular people and the non popular people. Can you guess where I am. Well you guessed right I'm one of non popular people at Harmony High.

I use to have a only friend until he and his family moved away. His name was Andrew but I called him Andy for short. His family and him moved away a few years ago and when they had moved I didn't leave my bedroom for at least 5 days or something like that then my mother dragged me out of my room to get back to my routine.

I hated my family for so long cause there reasons that Andy and his family moved away and I haven't heard from him since.

My parents want me to go into the family business working at the local diner but I don't, I want to become a doctor. I want to help save lives and everything that I want to do.

Each year before school starts we all say what we want to achieve this year and our goals for life. I always say to do my best so one day when I leave school I will go on and be a doctor, each year me and my parents argue about it but my little brother Jake stays out of it thank god cause I know that he doesn't want to go into the family business either but says he does to avoid a fight. I wonder if he says that he doesn't want to go into the business I wonder what they will do.

"Jake come on please do it you say it but you wont your scared of them but don't worry I'm here if things go south" I pleaded

"I will I promise"

That time of year came. We all sat around the fire mum and dad talked crap about the diner and once again I tuned out. Then came Jake's turn.

"This year I want to get better grades as I did last year and after I have finished school I want to become a firefighter" he said with a little giggled, I giggled a little bit because of the looks on their faces.

"A firefighter you say" my mother says. Waiting to see what she says next.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Jake and I looked at each other in a strange way

"Like Jake I want to get good grades and then become a doctor"

"NO, NO, NO absolutely not young lady" she shouted. Dad kept his mouth shut.

"WHAT! So your fine with Jake becoming a firefighter but not me becoming a doctor what the hell is wrong with you" I shouted with tears starting to come down so I stormed off.

There must be something with me I thought to myself.

There is a reason for this and I will find out what it is

Sorry if it isn't good this is my first attempt at writing. Comment on what you think so I can make it better

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