The Café in Hell

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Dani's POV

"Lizzie, why?" Everyone laughed at me as I pulled Lizzie out of her highchair. Breakfast was fine socially. Much better than last night. But...and that's a big but, Lizzie had a little too much fun with her food. She had syrup EVERYWHERE. And I mean EVERYWHERE. Like, she could barley open her eyes.

I held her has far away from me as I could and then hauled her butt upstairs and into the tub. I sat her in the tub and then stripped her, running the water to get the right temp. I kicked on the shower and then held her up, away from me, under the stream. I made sure she could still breathe, of course. But I held her there until all the syrup melted off.

Then I sat her down and shut off the shower, dumping a bunch of soap on her. If anything just to get the smell out. This kid is going to smell like maple for a week. And of course all she wanted to do was play. She was squealing and blowing the suds around.

"Will you please stop?" She looked at me and then flicked bubbles in my face. She instantly burst into an uncontrollable laughter. So much so, that she fell over. I sighed and righted her, turning the water back on. About twenty minutes later, I pulled her out of the tub and dried her off. I wrapped her in the towel and then exited the bathroom.

I walked into the guest room, the room Frank and I were sharing, and to the bed. Frank was standing next to the bed, his duffel bag open in front of him. He looked up at me and smiled, probably cause he heard everything that went on in the bathroom. I put Lizzie on the floor and then went to the dresser, looking for clothes.

"Going somewhere?" I asked him, digging through the drawer.

"I think so," he said. I stopped and turned around. He sat at the head of the bed, pushing the bag farther down. I went back to the drawer. I found pants and a shirt. I shut the drawer and then snagged a diaper. I turned around with the clothes...and all I saw was a towel on the ground. I looked up and the door was open.

"Great." I dropped my arms in defeat, and then tossed the clothes on the bed. I sighed and then sat on the end of the bed.

"Looks like you've got your hands full."

"That I do," I nodded. I looked at Frank. He was looking down, holding something in his hands. I don't know if he knows I know this, but...Frank has been carrying around two pictures with him. One is of his family. The other is a picture of Alison and Chase that I took a year ago. I think I know which one he's looking at now. "You miss her." It was more a statement.

"Yeah," he said, "I do."

"Think she'll take you back? Never mind, that's a stupid question. This is Alison we're talking about, of course she'll take you back." He looked up at me with that look like I was being stupid again. And maybe I was. "She'd be stupid not to." His features slightly softened, deep in thought. He looked back down at the photo.

I hopped off the bed. "Well, I have to go find me a naked girl," I said that just to get a rise out of him. It didn't work. "But, first." I walked around the bed to my bag. I dug in it a second and then pulled out a folded piece of paper. I walked up to him. "Here you go."


"Take it," I shoved the papers in his face. "One way to Hell's Kitchen." It was a plane ticket and a passport. Fake, of course.

"Everyone knows my face," he said, looking down at the papers.

"Which is why that's for a private jet. One I have used many times." He looked up at me, seeing if I was pulling the wool over his eyes. "No strings attached, just take it. It leaves in three hours."

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