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So I've decided to make a new 'Laurance x reader' because... well I'm going to say, my current one has alot of mistakes and I change alot of things on the spot without realizing it...


So I'm going to make a NEW, BETTER 'Laurance x reader' and you would like it better

I'm going to make it as long as possible, because...

Well because I update late really...

So hope you will forgive for this.

I'm going to publish them at the same time while I look for corrections, so you guys won't hate me.

(Me on the corner be like -> Please don't hate me! 😭😭)

Another reason why I'm going to publish at the same time is for me to remember the ones I forget, like (Y/n) and Laurance's schedule, Laurance being rich, Laurance moving to a bigger house. Huh stress, but it's for you guys.

So hopefully you forgive😊

While I'm working on the NEW AND IMPROVE you know what (Laurance x reader) if your ARMY enjoy this... it's on the top or side. I really love that song, I cry everytime haha.

-MusicnNote 04/09/17

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