♥ chapter one ♥

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"I'd ask you to go sit next to Danielle."

Hearing my name, I looked up. Mr. Fischer, the speaker of my name, and also my Chemistry teacher was looking at Miranda Lawrier, one of Savhanna's new friends. I looked away.

"Aw, c'mon, Mr. Fischer," drawled Miranda, "I'm fine here, I'll be good as gold."

"Maybe you could start learning the chemical properties of gold instead," said Mr. Fischer dryly and a few people stifled laughs.

"I will, if you let me stay here." Miranda looked beesechingly at Mr. Fischer, but it didn't work.

"Next to Danielle. Now."

"But I don't wanna," whined Miranda, shaking her dark red curls behind her head, "it'll be boring!"

I looked away, but not before I saw Savhanna, next to Miranda, nudge Miranda and whisper somthing indingnantly.

Sav still cares. A bit.

I'm grateful for that.

"Now listen up," Mr. Fischer said, as a grumbling Miranda pushed her stuff into a pile and stalked to my desk, "I want someone to be with Danielle for every class from now on. She is the only one without a lab partner, and I think she'd do very well with one."

I felt my cheeks flame, then remembered the foundation I'd put on. It couldn't show much. "Mr. Fischer, it's alright. I don't mind being alone."

With most teacher, this worked. The tone of voice I employed was a very weak, intense one. It made them uneasy. Murmurs rippled through the class, but Mr. Fischer stood his ground.

"I said what I said, Miss Danielle, and as far as I know, I'm the teacher."

My already warm cheeks flared. "Alright, sir. Thank you, Mr. Fischer."

He smiled slightly, "You're welcome, Danielle."

Miranda plunked her butt onto the blue stool next to mine. Her pencil fell over the desk, and I stooped down to pick it up. As I handed it to her, a hopeful smile on my face, she grabbed it without a word of thanks, and hissed, "Next time, don't bother."

Tears brimming at my eyes, I blinked back and stared at her. Her eyelashes were mascara coated and batted in a flirtatious way. Her eyeliner was pretty natural, and her cheekbones high.

How could I ever compete with that?


At lunch, as usual, my sister Demetrie Dawkins ignored me. My brother Dace Dawkins had football practice so he didn’t come and do the usual check that I was okay.

I sat down and rummaged in my bag. I pulled out ‘Cross My Heart, and Hope to Spy’ by Ally Carter. I was only at the third chapter but already I was entranced.

For some reason, I turned to face Demetrie, to find she was already looking at me with concern written all over her face. I gave her a small smile before turning back and looking at my book.

Dem wasn’t a bad person, guaranteed. I think out of us three, she was the one that took it the hardest but also the one who would accept the least help from anyone. She even shut Aunt Olivia out. Though, at nights I would still hear her cry softly.

Dem and I, and Dace used to be very close but now, we barely talk anymore. I didn’t hesitate to completely change, and suddenly become some sort of freak in our school.

But Dem, and Dace, they did. They cared about their image. They didn’t want everyone to pity them.

Sighing, I plunged myself into the book, forgetting all the worries of my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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