Keeping it Reel

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Keeping it Reel

~Hinata Hyuga~

We were both young actors in our first tv show when we met, what was it called? Oh yeah, The Children Who Follow Voice's, it was about children with the special abilities to hear the voices of the past, present, and future, I played a character called Tatyana Sato, the best friend of Xavier Iwasaki, who he played. That was the beginning of our friendship. By the time we were 20 they were starring in a film trilogy called 'Crossed' based on the book series. Our chemistry on camera captivated the fans and they were convinced that we were actually together, we played along with their assumptions,it helped the film franchise so we pretended we were dating and he was fine with this... until met Ino Yamanaka, an international supermodel, as you can imagine they soon started dating and of course Ino was not happy about our current situation, the girl hates me because of it and I can't blame her - I would hate me too if I couldn't be my with boyfriend publicly, but to tell you the truth I don't mind as long as I get to spend time with him he is my best friend after all, and well, I love him, I tried not to but I couldn't help it just kinda... happened, but right now we' re filming the last movie in the 'Crossed' series so in a few months we can drop this façade, I guess everyone will be happy once it's over it's over, right?

It was a lunch break on set for the third installment of 'Crossed' at a lunch table in the farthest corner sat a handsome red-headed man with dark rings around his eyes indicating signs of insomnia he had an annoyed look on his face.

"The fans are at it again" he sighed.

"We'll they're your fans, Gaara," I responded as he looked up at me, aquamarine eyes shining.

"You mean our fans Hina," a smirk quickly appeared.

"Oh ok, what did they do now?" I said as he threw a gossip magazine, the cover had a huge picture of them both with the word;


"I guess the cats out of the bag, huh?" He joked.

"Well, I'm very flattered but I'm afraid I cannot accept." I smiled a little as he faked disappointment.

"Your rejection hurts me, Hinata," he fake sobbed.

We both burst into laughter for about a minute until we finally calmed down.

"Yeah, but seriously, where do they get theses ideas?" He asked, "I mean come on, proposing?"

"I don't know, maybe they saw you buying a ring for Ino or something," I frowned slightly mentioning her name.

Gaara just stared at me wide-eyed, "No, I'm not ready for that kind of commitment we've only been dating for a year and a bit," he said almost too quickly, he almost said it without any emotions.

"Okay, okay you drama queen," I mumbled the last part.

"Drama king thanking you very much," he said smugly, how did he hear me? He must have supersonic hearing or something.

After a few seconds a pair of small, well-groomed hands covered his eyes and long blonde hair came in to sight.

"Guess who~" a high shrill voice sang.

"Oh, hi Ino," he said taking her hands off his eyes, "what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in France for a shoot?"

she smiled almost too sweetly, "Well, we finished up quickly so I came back to see you," then

She looked at me finally noticing my existence, that smile was quickly wiped off her face and she glared at me, "oh, hello Hinata," her voice was ice-cold, but Gaara didn't seem to notice.

"So Ino do want to go grab a bite" Gaara asked.

"I would love to," she said and started to drag him away.

"Eh, talk to you later Hina," he called waving at me.

"Yeah, see ya," I waved back, soon he and the blonde were out of sight and I was left on the table alone.

"Hinata!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned to see my pink haired PA and friend; Sakura Haruno.

"Hey Sakura," I spoke looking down.

She frowned at me, "Hinata what's the matter? Does it have something to do with Gaara and Ino?"

"No. Sakura it's fine," I smiled, falsely of course.

"Right... Like I'll believe that," her hands on her hips, "come on, we're getting pizza."

I looked at her wide-eyed, "o-ok but, er aren't you on a diet?"

"Well I am," she smiled, "but you're not and this is just to make you feel better..."

"My place or yours?"

"Yours of course," her smiled changed into a smirk as she dragged me home.

We finally got to my apartment, it was the penthouse so it had a beautiful view of the city and all its inhabitants, Sakura was on the phone ordering pizza, I guess I better enjoy it seeing as she's doing this to cheer me up.

When Sakura finished her call she sat down next to me on the sofa.

"So Hina, what do want watch," she asked pointing at the tv.

"umm..." I blushed, "anythings fine." I knew exactly what I wanted to watch but I'm just too embarrassed to see.

"Ah huh, for an actress you're a really bad liar," she said seriously, "you want to watch the 'The Children Who Follow Voices', don't you?"

I nodded.

"Why? You were in it? Please explain why you want to watch it again," she almost shouted, I winced at every syllable.

I looked down at my hands and said, "W-ell erm... Me and Gaara-"

"Gaara and I," she corrected me.

"er, right , Gaara and I used to just watch it and laugh at how bad we were back then."

Sakura blinked, "wow, but dont you guys still hang out, I mean you used to be almost inseparable, what happened?"

I looked her straight in the eye, "Ino happened." I said my tone uncharacteristically harsh.

"Ok, touchy subject," she as the door bell rang, "Oh the pizzas here," she squeaked as she ran to the door.

With Gaara and Ino.

"Gaara let's go to this restaurant, I hear the foies gras is to die for," she cryer dragging me to another fancy restaurant.

"Umm, Ino isn't that like goose fat or something?" a little tremor of fear could be heard in my voice.

Noticing it Ino stopped sudderenly and turned to look at me 'great going Gaara' I thought just before she said;

"Yes it is, is there a problem?"

"Er... Well... I was just wondering if this time we could er... Just get a take out, you know like a Chinese?" I said nervously scratching the back of my head, which would probably be ripped off if angered or annoyed her.

She just smiled, "Now why would we do that when we can eat some delicious foies gras," despite her smile the anger behind her words me like a rock. I was certain that I was going to suffer after this meal.

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