Chapter 2

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Hola chicas!

well chapter 2 is finally done apologise for the wait also for the probably pretty cliché plot twist


I don't own naruto I wouldn't be here if I did

Anyways on with the story

It was 11:52pm, Sakura went home about 3 hours ago and there was still a lot of leftover pizza, Sakura had ordered way too much, I just put it in the fridge, I'll probably eat it tomorrow. I went back to the living room to find my phone ringing, I couldn't be bothered to check who it was it was but answered it anyway and a deep voice spoke.

"Hey, do you have any food?"

This causes me to scream a little, "Ahh!"

"Hina, why you screaming?" The voice asked.

"W-who is this?" I whimpered, I really hope it's not another creepy stalker.

"Really? God Hina, you gotta start looking at the caller ID, yeah anyway, it's me, Gaara."

"Oh, sorry about that Gaara, I thought you were a creepy stalker or something," this is just great of all people I have to call him a creepy stalker.

"Now, someone's getting cocky, is every call you get a stalker?"

"No! I didn't mean it like that," a pink stain spread across my cheeks, "why are you phoning anyway?"

"Do you have any food?" He asked bluntly.

"Just a load of leftover pizza, why?"

"I just spent the last 3 hours eating goose fat and raw meat, do I need a better reason?"

"Point taken, when you coming?" I asked.

"I'll be at yours in 10" then the line went dead. A sigh escaped my lips, this has been happening more often lately, Ino would feed him some weird rich people's food, and then he would come over and eat something edible, and then we'd just hang out.

I went back to the fridge got out the pizza started to heat it up.

after about 3 minutes later the pizza was reheated and, as if on que, the door bell rang. I rushed over and opened it to see the red-haired id been expecting on his knees, "p-please ma'am, could you please help this poor deprived soul," he stuttered.

"Wow, you get more dramatic every time, was the food really that bad?" I said laughing at his display.

He looked at me with dead eyes that would make the ice king feel cold, "yes, yes it was, and if I don't think I'm gonna make it to tomorrow if I don't get any normal food."

I sighed and let him in, Gaara went straight to the living room and stretched out across the sofa like a cat.

"Doesn't Shukaku get lonely with you out all the time?" I asked, referring to his domesticated tanuki.

Gaara was flipping through the tv channels,"oh, don't worry about that demon," he paused, "he's at Kankuro's so he can avoid the same fate as his master." He was like a child sometimes, so dramatic even for an actor.

I went back to the kitchen to retrieve the pizza, it smelled just as good as it did 3 hours ago if not better . I came back to the living room to find Gaara chuckling at 'Children Who a Follow Voices'.

"What did you find this time?" He always managed to find something weird about this show.

Taking the pizza out of my hands he replied, "I just realised that our names are pretty weird, I mean Xavier Iwasaki? Who came with that?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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