Not to Be a Bitch or Anything...

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We all started to talk for a while then the attention turned to me, and I saw Bella trying not to glare. Who does this bitch think she is? The world doesn't revolve around her.

They asked me how old I was, my grades, the usual stuff then questions about my adopted family came.

Yeah I did love my adopted parents but they never really paid much attention to Suzy, who was actually their child.

Sam asked me about her. and Quil, being a dumb-ass, asked if she was my kid.

So I had to keep from going off on him. "Yes, Quil, I'm totally one of those people that sleep around." I said sarcastically.

Jared smacked him in the back of the head "Yeah stupid!"

Sam gave me a smile and told me she could come over at anytime.

I thanked him and decided to go up stairs. Adventure Time would be on soon and after that the Big Bang Theory marathon.

I pulled out my awesome Iphone 4.s and saw about 7 messages. They were from my friends, asking why I wasn't at home. I texted them back, telling them I was adopted and that I moved in with my brother and his fiance.

I clicked on the little TV and turned it to cartoon network. It was just starting! Is that cool or what?

 After that I turned it to TBS and waited for it to come on.

I pulled out my phone, not getting any texts back, and started playing angry birds. Yes, this game is so addicting! So is Temple Run.

I had about 25 minutes left until it came on so I decided to bring my stuff in.  I got off the small, yet comfortable bed and walked downstairs. Everyone was still there so I tried to ignore their gazes.

I got the heaviest box from my car and started taking them in two at a time. Wolf strength had it's ups.

I got everything set up just in time to see Sheldon knocking on Penny's door.

"Penny...Penny....Penny...Penny." He said after everytime he knocked.

Then I realised something. If werewolfs exist...that means vampires do to. Yeah! Maybe I'll be able to kick some vampire ass!

It was near the third episode when I fell asleep on the floor.


In the morning I woke up in my bed. One of the guys probably put me in here. Well, that's nice.

I had school today. Great.

I got out of bed and picked out an outfit. I slipped into the bathroom and took a shower. I put on my short shorts and my black Hollister shirt.

I blow-dried and straightened my hair, doing my make-up like I did yesterday, than going downstairs to wear the guys were waiting...and eating. Except Jacob. He was hunched over his phone, no doubt texting Bella. I couldn't help but feel jealous.

Stupid imprint.

"Not to be a bitch or anything...but, I'm taking you food." I said to Quil and stole the plate right from his hand.

He glared at me and grumbled something right as my phone went off.

I stuck my tongue out and pulled it out of my pocket, all the guys jumping up to look at it.

"I want one like that!" Jared pouted.

We laughed at him and I put the camera on. Yelling, "Get in the picture, bitches!" They gathered around and before I snapped the camera, Jared licked my cheek.

"Gross you sicko, you licked me! Are you a dog?" I snapped, realising he was, in fact, a dog.

The guys eyes widened at my outburst and I wiped my cheek, then wiping it on Paul.

"Well I'm leaving, I'll see you there."

"Can I go?" Seth asked. I shrugged and motioned for him to come with me.

We got in my car and we got to school with Seth navigating the way. We laughed and joked like old friends and it was pretty fun.

When we got there all the guys smiled at us, even Jacob. Maybe I should give him a chance. So I walked by him and talked since I hadn't talked to him like I had the others.

When some girls saw me walking with him they got really jealous. Some glared, some ignored us.

I had all my classes with at least some of the guys. This should be fun.


After school Sam said that he and the guys had 'things' they had to do. So I asked if I could come along and they said no, but, I followed them until Sam shot me a look and I went back, sighing. I wanted to do wolf stuff to.

So I told Emily I was going to the beach and I'd be back later. I put on a black bikini under my clothes and I left.

I hadn't been swimming in a while so I decided to go in. When I reached the edge of the water and stuck my foot in, automatically bringing it back. It was freezing, but, I wanted to swim. I need something to jump off of.

I looked around and smiled when my eyes landed on the cliffs. I went back to my little spot and stripped my clothes, then ran to the top of the cliff.

I got a couple feet back and ran to the edge, throwing myself off. Thinking back to a few years before, I did a flip that I had mastered when I went to swim lessons.

I hit the freezing cold water and once my feet hit the bottom, I shot back up. Instantly, I went to the shore. My body temperature may be over 100 degrees but I was freezing.

I dried off, slipped my shorts on, hung the towel around my neck, and grabbed my things. The walk back was boring and peaceful. I was starving and the guys should be back by now, it was almost dark anyway.

I walked into the house and saw there was food. The guys were gathered around and I yelled "Okay move! A girl has to eat!" I yelled it pretty loud and they all jumped, moving out of the way.

I grabbed a plateful of mac 'n cheese, hot dogs, and green beans.

I ran into the living room and flipped the channel to the Big Bang Theory. The guys came in and they seemed mad that I changed it.

"What the hell is this shit?" Sam asked. I threw a piece of corn at him and it hit him in the face.

"It is not 'shit'! It's a epic show. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two from Seldon, he's a nerd."

He tried to take the remote so I ended up putting it down my shirt and the only one that seemed to at least try and get it was Paul.

Everytime he'd try and take it, I poked him with my fork. Oh yeah, I'm a badass.

After dinner I made Embry go put my plate in the sink. Jake was still on his phone, texting the vampire girl. You could smell it on her.

It was about 10 o'clock when the guys left, Leah left long before it. So seeing how I had nothing to do, I went upstairs and changed into short pajama shorts and a blue wifebeater. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.



Okay ^.^ It sucks, I'm sorry. I didn't have much time to write this :\ But it will be better next chapter I promise :3

She might phase in front of the guys, who knows? Oh that's right

I DO! :D haha I'm not tellin though.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2012 ⏰

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