Special chapter: Sir Ken (part 2)

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Ken's Point of View

"So, I hope you keep this matter to yourse--"

"Keep it to ourselves? Did you actually let Lucas explain or did you only listen to that bitch's side?! I know Lucas did nothing wrong and that bitch is lying!"

"Cortez! I know you are close to Lucas, but still, don't cross the line and disrespect you teacher, or else--"

"Or else what? You'll expel me as well? Go ahead,  I don't care! Being expelled is the least of my worries right now. What you're doing is injustice! I know Lucas.. I know he cant commit such a thing!  Do you even have proof that Lucas did that to her!?"

"Yes, one of the teachers heard noises and found Lucas, naked on top of Ms. Lucy!"

"And so? You already jumped to conclusions!? Agh! Enough! This conversation will never end, I'm taking my leave"

"O-Oy Cortez! Wait--"

I have already left the room and in rage, walked through the hallway then a bitch wildly appears infront of me..

"So, how do you like it? Your best friend being expelled?" she asked with an evil grin

"Oh its great! Perfect!" I answered in sarcasm

"Haha, oh don't be mad Ken.. I was just teaching you a lesson.. Don't mess with your teachers" she stated in a serious tone

"And by teaching me that lesson, you got Lucas involved?"

"Oh yes! He has an important role in my lesson"

"Pfft. Mark my words, I expose your true colors and you will suffer behind bars" I greatly implied

"Oh, how are you gonna do that? No one will believe you nor Lucas! In the end, they will listen to me" she stated

"Maybe not now.. But, Lucy Monroe, be prepared to receive your punishment"

"Right, I'll look forward to it" She said in a sarcastic manner and left

Ohhh.. Lucas.. I hope you're doing fine..


Here I am, standing infront of Lucas's house.. When I talked to her mom, she said Lucas doesn't want to talk or see anyone at the moment, even refused to eat and stayed in his room

I guess I'll come back again after three days, If he still won't see me, then I'll force my way in..


Okayy, it's been more than three days, I'm at school right now, I'll head to his home after school..

Yahh, what happened a few days ago, about me going on a rampage, they thought I was just upset about the situation so they let it slide..

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