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PAIRING: lucas friar x oc friendship
(w/ some rucas or lucaya on the side)
FACECLAIM: yara shahidi

TITLE: LIKE-LIKEPLOT BY: PAIRING: lucas friar x oc friendship(w/ some rucas or lucaya on the side)FACECLAIM: yara shahidi

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"hey, uh, [oc], do you wanna go out sometime?"
"sorry, lucas. i can't. i like you, but i don't
like-like you. or anyone, really."

in which golden boy lucas friar is hell-bent on asking [oc], one of the most popular girl in school, out, only to find out that she's aromantic and asexual. despite this, the two eventually become friends and soon, [oc] helps lucas get the new girl of her dreams, riley matthews/maya hart.

OTHER: so i was thinking this could be like a hella cool brotp dynamic thing. like even if he couldn't date her, they became close friends and eventually he moved on from her and like either riley or maya, and the oc is now helping him get her. idk it's nice and pure and wholesome.

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