Sad kisses

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Our love is filled with sad kisses and screams of agony.
Our love is bittersweet.
We love eachother but we know it's not going to last. We are stressed. We are sad.
I've loved you for so long, 3 years and 2 days but I cant love you anymore.
It hurts to say goodbye.
I need to.
I don't feel happy, and it's not because of him. It's because I'm stressed and sad and he's stressed and sad and two negatives make a positive in math but for some reason it doesn't make a positive in a relationship.
You know I love you right?
"You've tried to leave me so many times, it's hard to believe that."
"Im trying to. I really am, I'm just scared."
"Scared of what?"
Im selfish, how could I not have known. Hurting him has consequences.
"Falling in love with you, believing you. I've been hurt so many times before and I just want one good, solid relationship. I want to make the other happy while they make me happy, and you honestly make me happy but am I making you happy? No. I make you cry and scream at 1 am. I make you angry and sad all at once. I don't make you happy and I just..I don't think I can be with you."
I don't have time to stress when it comes to us anymore. Us breaking up is just fucking 'oh'. Yes it hurts. Yes I'm sad, but I'm not going to show it. I refuse to.

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